
Did anyone else feel like Natasha seemed really vapid and bored while the judges were giving her the option of choosing the main ingredient?

@avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus No, the inner radiance is coming from her pregnancy! Just ask Derek Wills!

and #8 - remember Paula Deen hiding under a huge crate last season?

"Should we put a Rent poster in Scott's office? Do you think the viewers will understand the subtle connections to Rent if we don't? You're right, better put it in" - Smash production staff

In the spirit of Arrested Development, the best line of the night was delivered by the narrator: (as Josh and David complete the pressure test) "The stakes have never been higher." The show probably wasn't aware of the pun, but does that really matter?

In the spirit of Arrested Development, the best line of the night was delivered by the narrator: (as Josh and David complete the pressure test) "The stakes have never been higher." The show probably wasn't aware of the pun, but does that really matter?