The Bitter Guy

High School teacher Walter White earns enough to take care of his family so he doesn't need to work at a car wash, and national healthcare and his union insurance help him get treatment for his cancer after it's detected earlier.

Hah!  Everyone said I was crazy for saying it reminded me of The Iron Giant, but if Tasha saw it it's real.

Hah!  Everyone said I was crazy for saying it reminded me of The Iron Giant, but if Tasha saw it it's real.

Suck it, Yankees!

Suck it, Yankees!

Anyone else think that if Ledger were alive the Joker would have been the judge?

Anyone else think that if Ledger were alive the Joker would have been the judge?

Didn't he build a zero gee toilet, though?  You'd think he'd have some familiarity with how it works.

Where can a feller go to read about the backstage squabbling on TMP?