
A big Buffy and Angel fan, I watched this when it aired, thought it was a confusing mess with some nice Jossy moments, but not enough to keep me watching, especially when I felt it was distracting Joss from Buffy S7 to that show's detriment. Not until the show came out on DVD did I give it a second chance (and quickly

Very glad to see the Angriest Angel survive the episode. A one-and-done would have been a waste.

The Krolotean said that he'd been attacked by an agent of The Competitor. He was attacked by Bumblebee and Blue Beetle. I'm guessing it's not the former who he's mistaking for an alien.

I'd argue that the Lion Turtle isn't a deus ex machina, because Aang asks for a solution. He goes to meditate, inadvertently summoning the Lion Turtle to him (via "Avatar stuff"). He then holds the conversation with his past selves on the Lion Turtle's back, which is presumably listening to him.

I half feel like that line would have been better moved up a bit, as the thing that gives Katara pause. But maybe that'd be too on the nose, and it's better that her hesitation is internal.

Hooray! This is the Avatar episode that my Avatar avatar comes from!

We won't be laughing when Siri is conducting science experiments on us all.

The boneheadness about the legal system has only just begun.

Also: 12 Angry Men worked because Fonda had the presumption of innocence on his side - all he had to do was introduce some reasonable doubt. It doesn't work the same way if you reverse directions.

Haven't thought about that in years! And Big Bird almost freezes to death. Yeah, that one always freaked me out a little bit, as did the one in the Met. Sesame Street could be scary!

My original VHS recording of this is one of my most treasured possessions, though sadly the soundtrack started wearing out before I could copy it to DVD so there's a lot of hiss. It includes all the charming 80s commercials (Osh Kosh, Doublemint Gum) and local news previews, including this family-friendly spot over

The final scene looked inspired by the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse fire, in which six firefighters died.  Just for some context: