
If it follows the pattern of the reboot movies, each episode will be an overproduced remake of an original Star Trek episode, each of which demonstrates a total failure on the part of the producers to understand the original episode's intent and appeal.

My first reaction was to think Cthulhu, given the whole thing about meeting a god and finding it to be a monster. But Zoidberg works too.

Billy Crystal made the same joke about interrupting the timing of people's drug intake on The Daily Show last week.

Was anyone else creeped out by the pedophilia joke even before the Shapiro sisters took the stage and you realized they actually were preteen girls?

By pure coincidence, this week I rewatched Friday Night Lights 4.01. That made this extra awkward.

Within the ranks of Dana Delany, Mark Hamill, Kevin Conroy, Billy West will always be Skeets in my head.

Someone, I believe Peter Cook, used the expression "Streets Ahead!" This is amazing.

What really hit me was the realization that I was doing the exact same thing we was doing: splayed on the couch snacking and watch TV.

In the Superman:TAS episode that introduces Kyle (while subbing him into Hal's origin), there's a plane with "Col. Hal Jordan" on it.

"some faint implosions soon giving way to a chain reaction as the entire apparatus crashes into the ruins of Boston."

Are those uncut, or the bowdlerized versions?

I made it even worse for myself by watching these two episodes out of order accidentally. But that allowed me to catch that too.

Jaye and Veronica both dress fabulously.

Fittingly, I'm planning on watching The Wizard via HBO tonight! 

I just clicked on one of those episodes. It really looks like a straight remake! Who needs subtitles?

This is a wonderful way to close out your recapping the show, Todd.  Can't wait to read part two.

I did the math last season, and depending just how populous Walt's fictional county is, his would be the most violent county in America on a murder per capita basis. It's no wonder he's got a challenger in the upcoming election!

It's not like Kent just comes on and moves around a couple pieces of furniture. He's the moral center of the play!

Not just props, but given the timing, a passing of the baton.

I so, so badly want to be in that tiny Lear audience.