
How can he weep in the end if his memory of the recent events, him learning the truth, was wiped out completely, like the mastermind guy said he would do?!

It wasn't Gibson, who said that we can never see into someone else's mind, it was Spector to his wife about their daughter!

What happened in this episode was heartbreaking and appalling, yes. This blatant sexism toward Marcia really maked me cringe. However the defense got burned for Lopez and Fuhrman didn't break. But what was really the top of the cake, was Darden's and Marcia's relationship. The two of them, aww and he is, I have to

Does anyone else ever think it a little odd that Darden keeps on talking to Marcia about the difficulties of him being black but never once acknowledges that she, as a woman, is also by far in a minority and surely has had to deal with similar, if not the same discriminations and exclusions?
I'm not saying I blame

She probably didn't have a 100% certainty, Littlefinger would follow through. Plus, she wanted the Arryn army as back up and not debate if they maybe should be used otherwise.
But despite all that, she may have wanted to teach Jon a lesson and be the one, who saves the day and herself, for once. And yeah, she was much

Yeah, that's one way to look at it.
Maybe he also associates a forbidden sexiness with waitresses, which may have been the case before Alison, but of course has taken on a whole new dimension because of the affair with Alison. Also remember how Bruce back then on the other event sexualized the waitress Alison as well.

I take it more as these two being very much interwined.

Haha, you know how many violent crimes and evil-doings and missteps are understandable, if you only cared enough to look at the situation and the people involved?
That so does not make it ok.

I think in Meg's social context women don't propose, the gender roles are all rather traditional and old-fashioned. The wives and women are more thoughtful, reasonable and understanding than the men are, and they are also less strong in their actions and decisions, so… Meg accodingly waits for someone to propose,

Thanks! I'm looking forward to more discussion in the future.

The tricky thing about Norma is, that you never really know with her. There’s so much we still don’t know about her, but so much we can suspect! Therefore for me there are lots and lots of angels from which her contradictory, erratic and even (self) destructive behavior can be understood and made sense of.

Exactly! These (more or less) new shows are so exciting because of these amazing women!

I mostly agree with the review, but one thing bothered me. It says, that Norman being voyeuristic is conceived by Norma as wrong but not that unsettling it being within in the normal range that young men do when they mess up. However the audience knows more about the future happenings and cringes accordingly.
I think,

Well, she really did a great job in Sils Maria. But it makes no sense at all to draw an absolute statement from this suprising win, such as "she is the best (Amercian) actress ever". But that was a humurous statement, if I got it right, so I'll let it slide ;)
Anyway, I'm just happy for Kristen Stewart and hope that

My first post here is about boots, but I guess, I have to start somewhere…
Norma is not wearing rain boots or something alike, at all! Norma's boots are high-heeled indeed. I checked. Rewind and watch how she rushes across the street toward the forest, you can definitely see the heels. Accordingly we can keep on