mike d

Yeh, don't mention the only actual musical on television in this category.

I recall some years ago I proclaimed that we were living in the new 'golden age' of TV comedy. Then right after that they cancelled all my favorite shows on me! So I'm loath to praise TV too much now for fear of again invoking the wrath of the gods.

I do not understand this love for 'Great News'. It plays like an unintentional lampoon of a bad 80s sitcom. Reviewers spend more time waxing nostalgic for '30 Rock' than discussing the show itself.
I'll forgive the omission of 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' because they pretty much had to rebuild the boat at sea after Fontana's

I prefer referring to Sissy Spacek as "Rip Torn's little sister".

What we're talking about is obsessive compulsive disorder or perhaps a touch of schizophrenia. Its a clinical anxiety response, a chemically-induced desperation to name a causal link to random events. If everyone gets vaccinated then any random event that follows will 'coincide'. "My daughter got vaccinated then go an

Makes me happy NBC screwed up broadcast in the Boston area and I don't get the relocated station signal.

This story isn't really about Trump, its about the disgraceful downfall of Fox News.

Not cool, people. Not cool. Its commonly understood that the only people permitted to make presidential assassination jokes are Tea Part members and Brietfart readers. Nobody else. I recall after the Boston Marathon bombing the Tea Party angrily threatened to sue the city of Boston over unauthorized use of the word

So much money get pumped through these monstrosities you've got to wonder if their primary purpose is money laundering of some sort rather than film making.

Ms, Chenowith has sported a series of tans ever since Pushing Daisies. I think she was pretty tanned in The West Wing.

This being cable, Brie is already discussing what it was like to film the big finale's wresting match. So the whole show's finished. If it were a network show they'd only have 3 episodes in the can and no idea where the finale will end up.

I appreciate the oblique reference in the title to one of my favorite all-time films, the 1981 "My Dinner with Andre". Dinklage once describe himself as too arrogant to submit to humiliating roles (or words to that effect) so I expect this role to have some dramatic meat on its bones.

I would not like to think anyone could write anything as bad as the 'Children of the corn' adaptation or the 2013 'Carrie'.

Brittney Young (the big girl dragging Brie by the hair) was Rachel Bloom's PA for season one of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and got a small part in an episode where she gives the heroine a black eye. Her parents may have been the inspiration for Heather's parents in season 2.

As an aside, I'm from Maine with a French-Canadian family name. I believe the accent should be on the 'o' in 'Langoliers', rather like the word linoleum, not on the last 'e'.

In the past I've seen the networks just BUTCHER Stephen King adaptations. The miniseries "The Langoliers" should have been labeled a crime against humanity and sent to a Hague for trial. I don't read Stephen King, I have no opinion of his work outside of the film/TV adaptations. Except I did browse 'Under the dome" in

You didn't like the original film? It played like an extended twilight zone episode and I though everyone loved old twilight zone episodes.

Before critics got all into the 'women-centric films are supposed to all be social commentaries & gender politics' kick, films like this were *personal* statements. Ingmar Bergman's "Cries and Whispers" (1972) was not a political polemic. The '77 Altman film "Three women" was not a feminist manifesto. The '71 Eastwood

Annie looks as skinny as a rake in this series. Which is on-point for the 80s where 'holocaust survivor'-level skinny was all the rage. You look at some 80s photos of Michelle Pfeiffer and you think Oh My God, someone get that girl a cheeseburger!

Ravi's super-kinky. Remember when a suspect a couple episodes back was a former porn star. He was as excited as a fourteen year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert.