Frostillicus Will Conquer All

Michael Ian Black is from Hillsborough…so that's just a couple miles due South

I agree…just got back from Amsterdam.  I had to board a train from the Centraal Station downtown to the Airport, about 20 miles or so.  I wasn't certain if my transpass for trams/buses was acceptable for trains (I don't think it was) so I just boarded the train.  Nobody ever came by to check, they're on the honor

I was just waiting for them to call it that, but maybe people wouldn't have understood it.

A Scroat!

@Harvard…I forgot that Charlie Sheen was even ON Spin City. He was born to play himself on 2 1/2 men, so I'd take MJF over him on Spin City.

I'd say Coen Brothers get a lifetime pass. Probably Jeff Bridges too, except pretty much everything he has done in the last 10 years has been good.

Carrying a durian…that's a paddlin'

God bless the DVR! I've skipped over the same 10 commercials over and over again, but I haven't had to actually WATCH any of them

Snowstorm coming? Making a run on a grocery store's got nothing on the lines at the liquor warehouse. If you need a flatbed to haul out all the booze you buy, man, you are an alky-holic.

And who the hell would take marriage advice from Alec Baldwin?

Even if this show totally blows, it's still gotta be an improvement over all the other trash on NBC. Plus it gives them a great opportunity to further over-expose all the actors on other NBC shows (Alec Baldwin for example).

Uh, carrot top is just so nasty looking right now.

No tread left on the tires…it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway…I could go on.

Don't forget Mama Cass…that was a classic episode.

Jeez..I know it's trash, but that Barbie Girl song is friggin' catchy. I got a date with Limewire when I get home tonight, I guess.

The reason why the fries in Amsterdam, or Mexico for that matter, are superior is the fryer oil. Until 1990 or so, McDonalds cooked fries in beef tallow (lard) and lordy, those things were darn tasty.

Comcast On-Demand will have it up the next morning, no waiting a few days for Hulu..for those people across the pond, you're stuck with the internet though