Art Lover

Ditto on the Gay Parade love. I first discovered that album (and the band in general) the midst of being a bit obsessed with the Beach Boys' SMiLE period, so I embraced it immediately as some top-notch psych-pop. I eventually grew to love Hissing Fauna as well, even though it's stylistically very different from most

That music video is the only thing I know about this movie

Probably because he never shot anyone or blew anything up. What a boring loser.

Totally. If you've been on The Wire and Breaking Bad, you're forgiven for any and all future career choices.

The extended 30-song version of the soundtrack is incredible. They totally nailed a bunch of musical styles in a way that's both funny and also just good music.

#2 seems really important in retrospect, knowing what we know about the car, but it's easy to imagine the Nazi fellow just thinking to himself "whatever, I don't really care how you park, we're already stopped, let's just get this over with." It's only an important detail if you assume the car is rigged to spray


But behold! Contrasting evidence from the same source!

The first season of The Wire is probably my least favorite of the series, and I thought that "desire to address other issues" made the show much more than it appeared to be at first, but agree to disagree and all that. I have to say though, to accuse someone of being objectively wrong for preferring The Wire to BB is,

Hitfix did a similar "best series finales" article (they did it as an annoying slideshow, but whatever) and also left out The Wire. I get that the fifth season is sometimes-fairly-and-sometimes-unfairly maligned, but I don't see how anyone could dislike -30- as the series finale.

Benchwood, it might arouse suspicion, but if the givers have the money legitimiately (and the Schwartzes absolutely have way more than 9 million or whatever in legit funds), what are the feds gonna do? Say "well, the people you're giving the money to don't deserve it, so you're not allowed to give it to them?" I can't

I think the roteness was largely because we knew about the machine gun and ricin in advance and, considering the events of the last few episodes, had a pretty good idea of what Walt was going to do with them. So the finale was largely the process of watching things happen that we knew were coming (aside from the

Would you have liked this episode more if we didn't have the two flash-forwards to let you know what was coming? This episode could have been pretty surprising, but those cold opens (combined with the events up to this episode) made it pretty clear Lydia was going to be be getting ricin'd and Jack & Co. were going to

Oh, get out of here, Homer.

I'd say "horrible" is an overstatement…. 5 is a step down from the all-time-great-tv-seasons-ever of 3 and 4, but there's still a lot of good stuff there and I really like the finale.

I feel like the last shot (the stick being set down by the dog pointed at the water and setting sun, after which the dog walks forward to have the sun positioned between its legs) must be manipulated somehow. It's just too perfect.

I call rights to make the RP/PR bumper stickers where the slash is a lightning bolt like AC/DC. Nobody steal my idea!

If I ever have enough money to have a custom-built house, it sure as hell is gonna have a rotating bookshelf (you know, pull out the right book and voila, it spins) and/or fireplace (less secure, since everyone knows to just pull on one of the candlesticks near it, but still awesome).

Meh, amethysts are peasant gems

Yeah, it's not terrible or anything, just a bit boring. I think I was just disappointed because the headline mentioned a "psych[edelic] rock band," which is pretty firmly in my wheelhouse and I'd never heard of these guys and thought "oh hey, maybe a new band I'll like." But it turns out I like the