Art Lover

It was pretty cool until the vocals started, but then it just sort of sits there for another three minutes wearing out its welcome. Inoffensive background music I guess, but four minutes of haziness without a hook only made me feel tired.

The problem for me was that, as the various main characters appeared onscreen I mostly thought to myself how much I like BTTF, The Wire, and Breaking Bad. And this show has a very long way to go before it can do anything but pale in comparison to all of those. The actors are all doing a fine job on this show, of

That had better be a special feature on the DVD

The pilot is solid and the next two episodes (leading up to Krazy 8's departure from the series) are good too, but it hits a serious lull between then and when we meet Tuco. It's only a few episodes, but they really dragged when I rewatched the first season a few weeks ago.

I don't think BB and The Wire are very similar for any reason other than both of them being great shows. They're completely different-looking (high-def "cinematic" vs. gritty documentary-style) and have very different scopes (a show primarily about one man's journey vs. a show about an entire city). The fact that

How about Billy Preston as Dennis Rodman? Came in for the last few years of an era, and was a bit of an outsider, but contributed significantly in his own way.

That's not a very flattering comparison. I'd say The Simpsons is more like the Rolling Stones… and even then I think the comparison diminishes how great The Simpsons was on a consistent basis for 5 or 6 consecutive network-length TV seasons. Maybe it's more like if The Beatles had stayed together and were

To really be a good encapsulation of this feature, he'd need to hate on something a lot more obvious (Carlos Mencia, Gallagher, Jeff Dunham, any of the "blue collar" guys, etc.)

Totes agree-a-tude, bro. I just knew they were just gonna keep stalling for time until the finale. It's just cashing paychecks at this point, man. In fact, this episode was so glacially-paced that it reminded me of the universally-agreed-upon worst show of all time, The Wire.

It's a poem. Just type the title into Wikipedia.

Once can be fun, in a silly "oh, so they've moved on to THAT level of ridiculous" sort of way. My wife enjoys it and it's entertaining enough that I watch it with her (and also she's watched many seasons of The Simpsons, Futurama, The Wire, 30 Rock, Breaking Bad, etc. with me, so it seems only fair).

Marie might not make it that long if Uncle Jack & Friends go on a tying-up-loose-ends murder spree next week. I wonder if Marie appears (or is heard) on Jesse's confession tape, tipping them off that she may know too much…

It's unfortunate, but the fucks will live on in perpetuity on DVD/Blu-ray/digital downloads/whatever the hell other formats will one day appear and make the technology we currently possess seem laughably primitive

Not to be Mr. Dragonfly Nerd, but I'm pretty sure they eat other bugs. Unless "vegetation" is what the kids are calling bugs these days.

They did good work in the early-to-mid 90s to create goodwill and have since been solid enough and commercial enough to stick around. I'd go see the Foo Fighters now and I only even really like their first two albums… but I know the rest of the set would have some recognizeable hits and nothing would be outright

And Michael J. Fox will lend his star power to SHAKING BAD!

The very next episode after Cartridge Family is Bart Star, which isn't anyone's favorite episode or anything, but I think is much better than "an absolute wasteland" and really the whole rest of the season has a pretty good hit-to-miss ratio. I'd go all the way to the end of Season 9, with "Natural Born Kissers."

The Season 5 dvd/bluray was also labelled as just "The Fifth Season" rather than "The Complete Fifth Season", which was the phrasing that had been used on all previous dvd/bluray releases ("The Complete First Season", etc etc etc.)

I think on the season level, Hank dying is a pretty good reason for Walt to get the hell out of ABQ (which judging from the flash-forwards and upcoming episode titles, is what happens and may come pretty soon).

I think it's been pretty strongly established that Walt does not want Hank to die