Art Lover

Belize. Send them to Belize.

Walt could always say that Hank's financials don't look out of order because he's forcing Walt to launder the money through the car wash, keeping the money a step away from himself and avoiding suspicion until he finally cashes out and runs off to Belize with his millions.

I doubt Walt ever really would have gone to the cops, but yeah, the option existed in theory… although I guess there's also the chance that Walt gets thrown in prison and is THEN promptly murdered, considering Gus's reach at the peak of his powers. And the kid definitely could have died. I'm sure as an

I think it absolutely would have been the best thing for him. He's wanted to start living a new non-criminal life for a long time.

Well, if right now you had a choice between administering a non-lethal dose of Lily of the Valley to a kid OR being murdered, what would you pick? I don't think I'm an evil person (I may be wrong, feel free to accuse me of sociopathy below), but I'd weigh those options and decide that the option where I don't die

Pretty sure I remember him smashing it once the fire trucks pass him by, so I don't think that's going to be coming back.

But if you like Walt, wouldn't it make perfect sense to dislike Skyler for so often being an obstacle to his "success"? Audience members are allowed to dislike or even hate fictional characters, whether it's Skyler or Walt or Hank or Gus or Tuco or anyone else.

To be fair to all the lawyers out there, it is hard to turn down those dump trucks full of money.

There's a fairly high barrier to entry, money-wise, so I haven't been there tons of times, but at the end of the day I've always thought "that was probably worth it, I had fun today".

Someday we'll all realize how stupid we've been, and the real punks will make out with the fake punks to the tune of punk godfather Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock 'n' Roll To Me."

Repugnant as Walt may be at times on this show, if it's Walt vs. Nazis, we're left with a nice morally-uncomplicated shootout.

Does Jesse really even want immunity though? He almost seems like he wants to be punished.

Walt's still treating Saul as a confidant, though, and Saul has absolutely zero incentive to ever talk to the DEA, so Saul's about as safe as anyone on this show can be. None of the potentially dangerous people/groups (Walt, Jesse, the cops, Lydia) in ABQ have a reason to target him that really makes any sense.

That plus the eBay handjob in the pilot pretty much established her as unlikeable from the start. It takes a lot of work to overcome that initial impression of her as being sort of awful.

I'm probably completely wrong, but I've also been guessing/hoping that Walt's machine gun & ricin mission is one to save Hank or Jesse or (assuming they surivive that long) his family, most likely from Lydia's crew. Even though he'd only be saving them from a situation that he ultimately created, that'd be some

After a quick Googling to double-check my recollection, I'm pretty confident saying that the GPS data would be entirely inadmissible. See http://www.scotusblog.com/c…. As you said, Hank didn't get anything from it anyway, so it doesn't really matter, but it does continue to show his lack of concern for whether

This is some hard-to-swallow news

Season 2 did give us a solid amount of naked Stevie, though… including perhaps the best cold open in the history of television.

Yeah, he's too busy EMBEDDING his fellow ISLAMOTERRORISTS in positions of power so the minute he finally gets run out of office by God-fearing Constitution-loving REAL AMERICANS, he can order an attack that the libtards will try to blame on the new REAL AMERICAN President. BUT WE'RE TOO SMART FOR THEIR GAME! The

They're both great, but very different. BB is a show about Walter White and, tangentially, the people whose lives he affects. The Wire has a much grander scale; it pretty much explains how the world works. They're both great, but I felt like The Wire was a more enriching and intellectually-engaging experience. But