Art Lover

Walt's definitely been more sympathetic these last two episodes. He was a pretty agreeable dude in 509, until he went to visit Jesse. And now in 510 he's volunteering to turn himself in and immediately rejecting homicide as a solution to his problems.

Yeah, it's been repeatedly established throughout the entire series that Hank has only a vague familiarity with the 4th Amendment.

Saul's bound by attorney-client privilege and confidentiality, though… so of course he COULD talk, but depending on how they interpret those kinds of rules in New Mexico, he could be disciplined or disbarred. Not to mention the fact that he not only knows about Walt crimes, but actually participated in achieving

I don't want no carpetbagging limeys insulting 'murica. Only 'muricans can insult 'murica.

I hate the world so much. So much.

I'd never buy one or anything, but I'll pull out my phone and take a picture if I see one parked somewhere. Does that count as love?

I actually really enjoyed when it dropped the parodic elements and shit got real.

But we'll probably be on spaceships and other planets light years away by then, right? The only way I'll be satisfied is if I'm still around for the heat death of the universe.

I'm not gonna say the kid was wrong to turn down the inside scoop, but I would have absolutely wanted a synopsis of the whole final season. I think it's mostly because my biggest fear about dying (aside from my consciousness ceasing to exist, of course, which is mostly just scary in its sheer incomprehensibility) is

Hey, he's linking to That Other Site Whose Name, Meaning "To Break Up or Disperse," is Extremely Appropriate Given Its Origin. Get him!

If you ever listen to satellite radio and listen to the old top 40 countdowns from the early 90s, you hear an awful lot of cheesy dated ballads and cheesy dated dance music.

You watched 55 episodes in a week? Something like that would normally seem antisocial and sad, but it's Breaking Bad, so I'm impressed. Congratulations on getting caught up just in time to endure torturous weeklong waits between episodes.

Have you heard their newest album (Swing Lo Magellan)? If you get through the first three songs and still don't like them, you probably never will. Which is fine, if they're just not your thing, but give that a try before you write them off.

I've definitely been reading/listening to Mr. Savage long enough to be well aware of the "flared base rule", but thanks!

Thanks. Yeah, I definitely know the "accidentally" option is the wrong answer, because of course it is. We've talked about it, it's just never gotten beyond those conversations (which are always a little awkward for me, because it's all "here are numerous things I want, prominently featuring things in my butt!" and

Thanks, that's a good gradual approach plan. She's never really shown a lot of interest in getting a vibrator… I've actually brought it up and she's hemmed and hawed a bit, but maybe she's just feeling some self-libido-squashing Catholic sex guilt (I grew up going to a Lutheran church, so none of that for me) and

Dear Idiot Savag(fancy e):

God I want so many of these

Seriously though, I'm looking through the designs and I'd realistically buy at least 20 of these.

I want all of these too. I'll pay the routine Crippling Balloon Payment, I don't care!