Art Lover

That was definitely the worst of the three segments

There are definitely some episodes (I'm thinking mostly of "The Why of Fry", but there are others) that would be much less enjoyable if you haven't been watching in chronolgical order up to that point.

Get some female friends to go with you to karaoke, have a few drinks, and sing Love Shack as a group. Regardless of your feelings about the song in any other context, I promise you'll have fun.

I didn't know there was going to be a new episode of Breaking Bad tonight!

Well, you'd need to come up with some way to remotely transmit vibrations. I won't say that's theoretically impossible, but you may need to freeze yourself in liquid nitrogen until science can find a way to do it. It could be centuries.

I'm really surprised it ended up in the "Best" this week because without JJHo it really sagged. I had trouble getting through the whole thing. Jesse does a great job as bailiff tossing in an occasional wisecrack, but he seemed a little lost running the show.


I really didn't know who he was when he died (I'd heard him a few times on TAL, but didn't remember his name from that and only later recognized his voice as being one I'd already heard), but became a fan when TAL did the retrospective episode after his death. It was a great show and definitely made me a little

I'm currently going through Season 10 on DVD (I have 1-11 and have watched 3-9 many times over, but I'm finally going in for a re-evaluation of 10 and 11) and I'm generally pretty pleasantly surprised. It now has a reputation as the year when the show permanently lost it's touch, and it does to some degree follow the

1. Houses of the Holy
2. II
3. IV
4. III
5. Physical Graffiti
6. I
7. In Through the Out Door
8. Presence

metric bypass computes on overload retrace 'cuz we're LOST IN SPACE 
metric bypass computes on overload retrace 'cuz we're LOST IN SPACE
metric bypass computes on overload retrace 'cuz we're LOST IN SPACE

Maybe I'm just being a corporate apologist, but I would bet the great majority of the comedians that are part of this deal were earning approximately nothing from these specials before, so any amount of cashflow for this stuff has to be an improvement. Although I have no idea who gets paid what out of that $5 and if I

My first exposure to them was Gay Parade, which I still think is their best album, and I never really got used to the newer electronic sound (which by this point has now made up the bulk of their career). I eventually came around to really enjoying Hissing Fauna, but most of the rest hasn't impressed me. What I'm

Anyone interested in going halfsies with me on this?

I've never really gotten too much of an anti-booze vibe from him, despite whatever alcoholism issues his family has had… but I could be wrong.

I can sort of half-enjoy "Bye Bye Bye" now that it's a decade in the past and my ill will toward Justin Timberlake has faded with each Lonely Island guest appearance, but "I Want It That Way" will always be a terrible song.

The apostrophed "that Simpson's episode" at the end either (1) further enrages me or (2) demonstrates that Zach is trolling us. Maybe both, I don't know.

Even though I've been fully aware of the Wilburys for many years now, when I think of them I still can't help but be a little astonished that Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, and Jeff Lynne were all in a band together.

I didn't take the headline to be anti-female, anti-romance, etc. My first thought was that it was a really obvious "stupid TV, be more funny!" kind of statement to make. Obviously the article goes into greater depth and is quite a bit more interesting than just saying Show should be like Better Show because Better

Season 8 is actually my favorite, but admittedly it's a close race between everything from 3-8. If you made a "Top 100 Episodes" list just from the first 200 episodes, the last show on that list would still crush the very best episode of 99% of all TV comedy ever.