Art Lover

Time to upload a song to youtube and then hit refresh 50,000,000 times. Gold record, here I come!

Ugh, kids these days with their sedimentary lifestyles

Alright, everybody tuck your pants into your socks

Fastball is actually a pretty solid band. Not as good as Harvey Danger, if we're ranking briefly popular late-90's groups that are actually really good beyond their one or two hits, but still definitely not bad.

Are you thinking of Captain Beefheart?

I just went to a solo show a few months ago and most of ITAOTS was represented, but not all, along with a handful of Avery Island and a few non-album songs.

To be fair, he does acknowledge right there in the article that he's listened to it ~20 times, which does imply that it's not exactly breaking news (unless you're assuming that he spent 10+ hours listening to it over a very short time period).

Snark be damned, I want to go to there

If "Homer's Enemy" goes well next week (and it will, because GRIMEY), I suggest replacing Rabin's classic reviews with a weekly Simpsons roundtable.

Oh yeah, there are definitely elements of it that I like. It's well-done in the sense that it's entirely believable that Bodie and Poot (and I think Wallace was there too?) don't know how to play chess and that D'Angelo would explain it to them in terms they'd understand, thus introducing the

As much as I love The Wire (and I'm one of those "it's the best drama ever" people, so I love it quite a bit), even I wince a little when D'Angelo does his chess bit.

If "Pitchfilm" (which is a really dumb name, but whatever) is indeed where everyone's going, I'll certainly read it. But I will never stop feeling bad about regularly visiting a site affiliated with Pitchfork.

Et tu, Noel?

Ah, I needed some fresh O'Neal.

The A.V. Club turned into a hardcore sex channel so suddenly that you immediately noticed

I realize it wouldn't be as aesthetically pleasing, but they really should have flared the base on the dildo for those who like a little more in the back door. That plug looks puny.

It'll be tough for her to find a new job with that show on her resume. Just kidding, Amelie! You probably didn't write any of the shitty parts.

It's like this website has been amputated of staff by some sort of departure bomb!

First the Boston bombings, then chemical weapons in Syria, and now this. Fuck.

Somehow the Clash version has never clicked with me, even though I really like both the original and the very-different-from-the-original Dead Kennedys cover.