Art Lover

Season 5 was a bit of a letdown for me (I think it's still fine TV, it's just that the previous seasons set the bar at "perfection"), but the ending was pretty perfect in the way that it wrapped things up neatly enough to give you a sense of closure, but made it abundantly clear that the story wasn't over and really

Nathan picked the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this category. Someone always seems to be chopping onions when I listen to that song.

I'm really hoping the article title is an intentional Beulah reference rather than just a coincidental choice of words that I'm misinterpreting as such.

I'd never heard this song until Saturday, when I heard it on the radio. Then, on Sunday, I stopped at a gas station and it was playing over the outdoor speakers while I filled up. Now, Monday, there's an article about it on the A.V. Club. What is the world trying to tell me?

"With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!"

I didn't like the original, never watched 2, watched 3 (since Zucker took over) and actually found it pretty enjoyable, and never saw 4 and will never see 5.

So what you're saying is that NBC really should have picked up "The Farm"?

Season 9 has a bunch of great episodes. City of NY vs. Homer Simpson, Lisa's Sax, The Cartridge Family, Joy of Sect, Lisa the Simpson, etc etc.

The soundtrack albums (songs in the key of springfield, go simpsonic) are good.

We will never forget

This sucks. I'm gonna go listen to his commentary on my Citizen Kane DVD now.

Well that's awful news to come home to

Yeah, Harrisburg! I hope he visits the capitol building, which is very nice, and Hershey Park, which is very close and also very nice. Not kidding!

Wikipedia claims that it was 9/11 combined with the crappy Democratic field for the 2004 presidential election. So…. mostly just 9/11 then.

Didn't that trailer have "Mr. Blue Sky"? That's basically all I remember about it, but I'm pro-ELO as a general matter so my memory is of liking it.

Have you ever seen Tony Dungy, Barack Obama, and Satan in the same room at the same time? Some people are suggesting they may be one and the same - an unholy trinity.

My first thought was "Hodgman would be great" but then I started thinking that having a host who inserts jokes between questions/answers (and if he can't tell jokes, he's not really being utilized effectively) would lead a time crunch where about half the questions on the board never get revealed.

I assume the writers would continue to keep food/drink categories to a minimum. I just think he has the kind of charismatic know-it-all personality that would be a good fit for the show. Also, lots of tweed jackets and bowties.

I nominate Alton Brown

Are you suggesting that there's a wrong time for a Simpsons reference? The collective hive mind of the the A.V. Club (if not the whole damn internet) will surely object if that is the conclusion at which you ask us to arrive. A Simpsons reference is and always will be a perfectly cromulent enhancement to any remark or