black phillip

I thought it was a total send-up of The Walking Dead's stupid Trash People of this season.

Jamiroquai playing at Hooli-Con on Sunday and now playing at Blockbuster on BCS. Strong back to back showing for the Space Cowboy!

Always carry D-Cell batteries.

It was nearly 17 minutes from the opening shot of the car until the first commercial break after the forrest fight scene. That was pretty sick.

The scene between Kevin and Sr. in the bathtub had me balling. To me that's the most real this show has ever been. So great.

In my house she's the bobble head with the boobs.

Did anyone else think "Hey! Scoot McNairy!…….. He's gonna be the jackass that commits a crime and dies in ep 1." First thing that came to mind.

Did no one else come away with the notion that Kim was having such a hard time deciding between a "period" and a "semi-colon" because depending on what she chose, it would screw over Mesa Verde? She definitely might've crossed over to the Slippin' Jimmy side.


This is the same Dan Stevens from The Guest. Great Horror/Thriller.

David channeling his inner "David" from The Guest. FUCK YES!!!

Well, there's a good reason why the Amish keep these secrets hidden!

Take this W from the future. Nice stache' 7 years ago Cage face.

Am I the only one here that is bored out of my mind so far?

Correction- See *The Strain

The guy in the "Boiler Room" is obviously some sort of maintenance man for HELL right?

Cool beans?…

***see Fear the Walking Dead

"That rosary isn’t going to be anywhere near as helpful as that amoxicillin would have been."

95% negative review. Score B-. SMH