
I just want to say, I accidentally gave this an A+ (stupid touchscreen) but I thought it was the worst episode I've ever seen, which is to say the worst episode of the series to date. Awful.

Heyyyyy, We Want Some Puuuuuu
…blic works projects that work for the citizens of Miami!

My walkman time was pretty evenly split between disposable pop like Huey Lewis, Weird Al, radio mix tapes, etc., one the one hand, and Maiden, Priest, Metallica, etc., on the other. It made me disliked by both subcultures.

I disagreed with the original post in the thread, Huey Lewis & the News having a special place in my heart for all time - I celebrated their whole catalog. But I find myself swayed by the Hootie-isn't-terrible argument, so maybe there is something to it.

Respectfully disagree. Some of it may be a manifestation of the broader typecasting phenomenon ("Will audiences buy Will Ferrell as someone who's not functionally retarded?") but there's a specific comedy bias at work here.

Stranger than Fiction
One thing that always kills me about genius comedy actors is how the media/press/mainstream audience always treats it as such a big evolutionary step for them to do a 'real' dramatic movie. Saw it w/ Ferrell when he did Stranger than Fiction, saw it w/ Carrey when he did the Truman Show, and

Oh…you mean it's not 'ballsack'?

Zach Handlen wins for Man in Motion.

What do economists know about advertising?


I think Morgan Spurlock couldn't be happier than to see that as the first comment in this review.

George Clooney is funny. Anna Faris is funny. But usually you have to be a little ugly to be really funny.

Solid feed - I'm in. @ThsGuyRightHere

Thanks for playing along P. Reasoned debate on the interwebs…weird.

@ P -

P is for Objectivist -


And to be fair, you really don't have grounds to say that he lied - lying involves some degree of intentionality (a delusional mental patient who thinks he is King Henry VIII isn't "lying" about his castle, his wives, etc., nor is a young child "lying" when he tells you about his imaginary ). It may very well be that

I googled 'joke' and it didn't say anything about marvible.

Yeah, I think about that Dre/Dee Barnes thing whenever I see him hawking Dr Pepper or HP computers or whatever it is this week. I believe in redemption (Michael Vick fan/serial dog adopter) but he's never acknowledged, owned up to, or paid a price for that.