
That felt like a running joke you'd have about how dumb the season finale could be given everything leading up to it and it actually happened.
✓ Oliver doesn't reveal his plan to anyone
✓ Felicity cry face ten minutes in
✓ Oliver taking fatal wounds and looking like he's falling to his death
✓ Lol jk league armor that

Well that was the first time I've ever cried during a tv show. Betty going up the stairs was horrible.

Fantastic finale. Everything worked for me in this episode. Schmidt's long pause with Wally made me cry. The entire crepe scene was a pantheon Winston scene.

No problem! There are two sides to this, but I see Cersei's recent small council run as a slow burn to her entire organization/family coming crashing down. Sending him to give Arya her first prayer kill post Ninja Factory would certainly contribute to that.

GREAT call.

Shoutout to Captain America. This was the tumblr episode basically. A very good Roger episode. "He does that sometimes."

Couldn't stop thinking about it to be honest. So hyped.

Meryn. Trant. Headed. To. Bravos.

Been reading these reviews with the re-watch. I have to say that the church scene might be my favorite scene in the entire series. After nearly two episodes in that horrible horrible place you were somehow right along with the mix of relief, exhaustion, warmth, and sorrow that every single soldier they showed had on

I really enjoyed Lou's final victory (?) lap of being a dickhead for some reason. Don sure is getting a lot of negative feedback on his life lately. Roger had three phenomenal endings to scenes with the grab for the bottle when they ended the meeting, his look at Pete when the gawd Ken Cosgrove finally made his power

Did anyone else yell at their TV when Tyrion started making eyes at the fire priest lady? Like, dude…. The two people we met in the show that say that kind of stuff either give birth to SHADOW ASSASSINS or can be BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE. NO.

good god did I whiff on this episode. Remind me to comment in the morning next time.

I somehow have not seen this before. That explains a lot.

- So for me at least that felt like the first episode in a while where we got significant movement towards the title animation theory of Don jumping off the building in the finale. It seemed like a mild mannered episode, but it felt gut-wrenching for him in a way especially at the end.
- Kartheiser's delivery of

This episode made me realize the gap in how much I care about certain characters and/or their storylines. Dany needs to get the fuck out of Mereen, release the dragons, and/or get Varys and Tyrion on board. I kind of saw The Wall's story wrapping up with the battle, Mance, and Stannis, but I guess Jon is going to stay

lol. sick headline. fuck off.

This episode in general just felt like a lot of clear divide on good people and bad people. Pete bitching about having money, those horrible guys hitting on Joan, Don rightfully getting the "oh I know you" shtick from Rachel's sister, the reminder that Roger is an asshole who likes firing people and that thing with

I guess a midseason jump into all the CW reviews wasn't going to cut it. Or it's the the likelihood of a "HOLD MAAHHH DICK" joke on either Mad Men or Game of Thrones. I really spent 35 seconds on this comment. Ugh.

I should have realized ahead of time how good Mad Men was going to be at these brutal emotional moments to end the series. The "oh I know you" Don got was such a gut punch. I might have interpreted it wrong, but Ken's reaction on his face to Pete allowing his likeness to be used seemed like a "awww imma miss these

I thought it was a great finale. I didn't like congresswoman pro poker player lady moving that fast, but hey the payoff was cool.