
The beginning bit showing all the characters reacting to Hannah's column made me realize how much I am going to miss this show despite its flaws and a record chunk of the characters being unlikable. Quite the feat.

Pretty great finale and season.

I wonder if Adam is saving the cancer reveal for the speech to the jury. How could you vote against that? If he doesn't, maaaajor props.

Like Jay, he seems like a very good-hearted person who just makes immature decisions here and there.

NO mention of Jay being able to steal reward, and after a double immunity episode, I think we get a reward challenge with a decent advantage in the game up for grabs that Jay will steal. If that's the case, Adam probably lost a million dollars because he gave it away to Jay for no good game reason and Jay potentially

RE: Televised analysis for the players in the locker room… For the handful of times I've been in a MLB locker room postgame, the TV is either turned off or muted. They are always playing music in there, unless it's after a loss. Players are in a rush to leave and those who have to want to talk to the media fast so

Trying to figure out who the top 3 players are for gameplay since Zeke was such a dominate favorite. Thoughts?

Shouts to Will before the rock draw declaring he doesn't care enough about Zeke or Hannah's game enough to go to rocks when he told Zeke about Jay's idol in order to earn his trust. Plus, Jay is in that rare good point of the post-merge bottom position when the top guys are starting to go after each other so Will

Steve Agee back again with another job!

God damn it. I thought there was some growth in Fiona for a minute there, but they need plot in season 7 right?

They have never respected the audience's intelligence on this show and proved that point more than ever tonight.

I really thought they were trying to make it to halftime of SNF so the feared channel swap would come at an inopportune time.

That's one the fascinating things about this show because I know some people who actually downgrade some episodes because they feel too real to them and the emotional toll is too much (Entire History of You in particular). This one is probably going to rank No. 1 across the board in that regard because the technology

There was too much time from right before the robbery to the reveal of him watching child pornography for me to fully get into this episode. I kept going "why the fuck is he doing all this?" Still, a pretty tremendous last 10-15 mins and good performances.

This felt like The Entire History of You because of the gradual unveiling of how many layers there are to a society like this, which is funny because this is the other only episode Brooker doesn't have a writing credit on (his source material though). The most fucked up part for me is that most of the eye contact made

Same here. One too many layers for me took away the "holy shit!" element of it.

Major props to Michelle for not revealing to Cece that she was, in Michelle's eyes, potentially on the bottom when trying to get in a last-ditch alliance with her. A lot of dumber players in the past panicking like Michelle rightfully was would have told her that right away.

He has all the questions we never think to ask!

I actually liked this episode, but agree with some of the negative sentiments and feel this could be the start downhill for this season. Frank having his own storyline is amazing since they are never going to kill him off so it's easier to ignore his horribleness.

Is anyone else beginning to get incredibly stressed out by the once an episode reminder of someone's probably trying to kill Paper Boi? I'm convincing myself this is just more about the feeling of danger than actually killing him off, but I'm becoming less and less sure every following episode.