pathetic fallacy

I remember loving Cloverfield and then never watching it again.

What's taking them so long? I'm ready to plow.

For every episode, there are two weeks.

The unexpected development is that Afghanistan did indeed have a pay phone.

Oh shit!

I see "The Gang Dines Out" as a play, a piece of theatre. I loved that episode.

I was born in the Tokyo Drift.

He's in the Dictator (but not on Twitter).

I could listen to Gilbert for hours. His podcast is great, the Steve Buscemi and Chevy Chase episodes are two highlights.

Yeah, I'll give anything with Theron and Chastain in it a chance. Blunt just sweetens the deal, as does no Kristin Stewart.

I can't imagine anything crueller than giving River a diary the EXACT length necessary for all of their adventures.

Can I pay to see only the Linda Cardellini scenes? I have a spare ten minutes this weekend.

Cho Chang disagrees.

I also heard that Disney above and beyond to make sure that Alvin and the Chipmunks 4 was a piece of shit.

For some reason, I would prefer that this isn't shit to Force Awakens not being shit.

Do we have any more Katherine Heigl to put onto this list?

The Christmas special of this show with Brian Butter field is outstanding. The entire bit with the "Buttertendo" cracks me up every time.

His band was called Dethlehem.

From the director of that thing with eyepatch Tom Cruise.

Nobody said it was bum rape, Mark.