pathetic fallacy

Is it a comedy then? It's okay if it isn't, but I don't want to go into it expecting a comedy when it isn't a comedy. Maybe it would be worse if it was comedy and we got a bunch of people who don't really know how to do comedy (Carell being the exception obviously). Like they've done comedy stuff before, but they

Pick anything by Jasper Fforde.

Sick in the Head is self-indulgent shit.


I expect a reaction on Dubsmash.

This sounds like a clarification that Ben Carson could have made.

Heynong Man has it in the bag I think.

This was such a strong year. Such a strong year, that I completely forgot about Bongo vs Bongos.

Chasmin and Sunny.

Not to do an 'Armen' here, but her mistrust of technology really reminds me of my mother.

It's a great podcast.

The Anna Faris podcast is an absolute joy. Thoroughly recommended. The Millers are just so adorable as well. It has TJ at full 'bit' mode as well.

As much as I loved the talk about the movie, their chat about chewing gum technique was fascinating to me.

Nothing made me less hungry than that imaginary food scene in Hook.

Finally, a movie about boxing.

That's the second race Jindal has quit.

Don't get me wrong, Rose Byrne is great or whatever, but with every single one of her comedy roles I'm thinking: "They could have got someone funny to do this and it would have been funnier".

To be fair, every character on this show is straight up awful. Not in a IASIP way, but a 'How are any of these people even friends and outside of prison?' type of way.

I thought that film was near perfect, but looking below, I take everybody's points.

"Minute for minute, it doesn’t have as many laughs as Superbad, Neighbors, or This Is The End"