pathetic fallacy

I look forward to the overwhelming multitude of funny YouTube Let's Play videos of this game.

Just as he was about to tell me about when he climbed Mount Everest, boom, fell into another vat.

Southern Dishes…but without the Colonel…Ooooookaaaaaay.

Nature Box vs Shari's Berries

I had to relisten to that about four or five times to get all of the laughs out.

Yeah, agreed.

Is Tupac in this film?

Thanks, man.

Chloe Sullivan still owns my heart.

Yes. The worst of the Ronsons.

A motion capture suit ditched me at prom.

It goes:
Jon Ronson
Mark Ronson
Charles Bronson
Bronze Sun Facial Cream
Wrong Son
Samantha Ronson

Huuuuuuge tracks of land.

Ah, the worst of the Ronsons.

I sense a lot of anger in this article.

Welp, that's my expectations raised to unmatchable heights.

Yeah, Runaways is pretty damn good.

I was just happy it wasn't a list of impressions from the cast.

They can''t do that when he becomes President though…HA

Unfortunately, faux Dane Cook is still there, but on the other hand, Ron Funches is still there as well.