pathetic fallacy

Feel sorry for whoever has to play him when they can't get David to show up.

I had a big fat stupid grin throughout all of this. I was waiting for Astronaut Jones, it seemed like we weren't getting it, then BAM!, Astronaut Jones. When we get all of 30 Rock and Larry David and an attention seeking camel, it's already an A-.

On the subject of live television, has anybody been watching Undateable? It's gone live and is now surprisingly fun and great to watch.

Colleges are such bastions of free speech.

They are so lame.

Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo sounds like an Onion headline.

Very true.

Did something happen to Bendis? Bar his independent work, the guy's stuff has been mediocre since midway through his long Avengers run. It had a brief spike when he moved over to X-Men, but still, what happened?

"I'm sorry your baby is a car alarm.'

I am so scared for next week. Imagine Tracy Morgans big comeback after the crash, everyone is excited, he's back!…and then it turns out shit like this episode.

"Jesus! Gandhi! Me!"

All of Apatow's crew (well, most) are very well suited to drama as well as comedy. I don't know why I'm surprised. I watched Freaks and Geeks after all.

This sounds like the worst movie I'll watch eight times.

It's weird how Burton always hires Depp to flirt with his wife on camera.

Good God, improv is awful.

The 100th episode is fantastic.

I finally got round to listening to the Pauly Shore episode of Hollywood Handbook and, erm, just wow.

Cyrus has got quite a set of pipes on her. In the monologue and at SNL40, she really showed that. Shame her own songs dont do it justice.

That's all I ask.

You don't want a second season of Horne and Corden?!