pathetic fallacy

Only if I get free tickets to be in the audience of a show not on CBS.

He's probably as good at running the country as he is at running casinos.

He is surprisingly not awful so far.

The word mullet will have lost all meaning after the first week.

how the hell did this get made

I prefer the term Martian-American, thankyouverymuch.

Saw Will Harris' name at the top. Expectations grew. Expectations met.

Believe it or not, Mark Millar wrote a fair few of those issues. It was a dark day for me when that magazine was cancelled.

Nothing made me laugh harder this week than PFT calling out Scott for constantly refering to race.

Were you a Sean or a Hayes?

As much as I loved Scarsdale, I wished Scott stopped forcing Scarsdale to talk. He seemed shy and, I mean, why embarrass a guy in front of his fiancee?

It's very close.

Don't know why, but I also prefer Listler to Wompler.

"I hate men!"

"I sound like someone else."

My only hope that it once again revolves around a Best Buy that may or may not have a phone and there's a lawyer with a heinous voice.

Oh that sucked.

The big worry for me about Lazer Team is that it's going to be too in-jokey. Too much 'I'm still in the air!' and 'Does rocks float on lava?' and not enough of anything else.

Don't overthink it.