
I read both The Maltese Falcon and The Thin Man a few years ago, after having seen both films a few times. I was surprised at how much darker, bitter, and cynical the books are. Of course Hollywood had to clean up a lot of source material back then, but I was still taken aback. In The Thin Man even the girl who

Hardcore is fantastic Devo. I like their albums of course but just the raw uniqueness of their pre-LP days is so fascinating. I bought those original Hardcore cds back in high school in the 90's and recently was happy to get the new set.

One of the guys (Trumpet) playing with The Roots, I am pretty sure is in The Dap-Tones.

Einsturzende Neubauten is my favorite band. Just wanted to put that out there, they don't get mentioned much.

Yeah I never got what the big deal was about his show.  I find it's long lasting success a bit puzzling.

I don't know anything about his standup routine now but he used to (not sure if he still does) do Thanksgiving shows in Dayton Ohio in a small club.  I went to two of them.  I think the first one was 2002 and the second was 2005. The first one being before his show and the second being after his flight from the show. 

Agree.  Football is mostly commercials and guys milling about with occasional breaks for 5-10 seconds of playing.

Whoa.  As a soccer player/viewer I must disagree.  Baseball is so slow.  Soccer is uninterrupted playing.  Excitement fluctuates of course but it's the best sport to watch.

Soccer is both fun to play and watch.

Hopefully Brazil will beat Spain.  I am getting tired of Spain.  Germany 2014!!

Decent show.

I noticed they cut the number of reviews but they just added the section that had short descriptions and picks of a handful of releases that day.  Surprised to see them go away so quickly.

So I have a general question.

One of the best songwriters of our time.  Or at least one of my favorites. He has written some absolute classic songs. 

Among what most others have written.  Enjoying his show, reading his reviews.

I saw That Things You Do! years ago.

He suggested the story.

Fantastic film.  The scenes with Raye are great.  Especially on the boat and when Chaplin hides from her at the wedding.  I haven't seen this in awhile but am looking forward to watching again.

So did he kill her?

One of my favorite SImpons lines ever.