
Yeah….pretty much the best song ever made.

And you people criticize me for loving her…

I'm sorry…it's…it's this new layout. It brings out the lecherous old man in me.

The appearance of Phel's user pic has done nothing to diminish my deep, deep affection for her. Indeed, it has enflamed my desire to possess that which is her spirit. Her soaring, soaring, beautiful spirit.

Shut UP with that!

Is that where your handle came from, mbs? One of your friends quoted? "…'maybe', butthole said…"

No one got Lex's Chicago reference, though? Really?

Phel - I suppose that's fair, as I'm already married. I suppose we could just down(up?)grade it to fantastic casual sex so long as I get to talk to you for a while afterward.

38 and 5.5

not anti-semitic…
…but Schindler's List….it's like a tone poem to me. Love the feel of the movie…it just…calms me. The look, the sound of it. Even the violence isn't necessarily jarring (as opposed to, say, Saving Private Ryan). The soundtrack is amazing.

I'm also recently on the Watchmen bandwagon - my comics reading was (self) limited to a.) the 1970's and early 1980's and b.) Marvel so I wasn't exposed to Watchmen at all until now. In fact, I 'got out' of comics right when the Graphic Novel was starting to become 'all the rage', roughly 1984 or

Look in the suitcase on the left, you'll find my favorite axe?

When I was 20, I got a job (through a vocational school in St. Louis) with Continental Airlines in Houston, TX. I lived in Buffalo, NY, and therefore had to move my few possessions eleventy billion miles south. So I loaded up my 1981 two-tone silver Mercury Capri with everything I OWNED and headed south

Bowie's best cameo is in the two-part finale of Season 2 of The Venture Brothers. I hope that settles things for you kids.

@ Tom

swear to god, not trolling…
but where do Interpol fit into this '___band name___ versus Radiohead' battle?

I much prefer OK Computer.