
Yeah, I was thinking of White Heat.  But the raging mobster is psychopathological, just like Cagney's character in WH.  Paul Muni, yes.  Mad Dog Coll.  

As predicted, Gyp is gone and Harrow significantly reduced the odds for Nucky.  But the brewery deal puzzles me.  I thought Nucky was supposed to run this thing so he and Mellon (as invisible partner) would make serious dollars.  Did Mellon go along with the sting because he felt that things were so hot, given

As predicted, Gyp is gone and Harrow significantly reduced the odds for Nucky.  But the brewery deal puzzles me.  I thought Nucky was supposed to run this thing so he and Mellon (as invisible partner) would make serious dollars.  Did Mellon go along with the sting because he felt that things were so hot, given

Wow.   Chalky's back in the picture, big time, as he ought to be, and it looks like Richard is about to wreak some heavy vengeance.  Could it be he takes out the boys at the brothel and significantly tilts the odds in Nucky's favor?  And Nucky's deal with the devil, i.e., Capone — what is that going to cost him?

Wow.   Chalky's back in the picture, big time, as he ought to be, and it looks like Richard is about to wreak some heavy vengeance.  Could it be he takes out the boys at the brothel and significantly tilts the odds in Nucky's favor?  And Nucky's deal with the devil, i.e., Capone — what is that going to cost him?

Yes definitely, moimoi.  That's astute.  I do hope Chalky gets more play.  he has the best qualifications for several things.

Yes definitely, moimoi.  That's astute.  I do hope Chalky gets more play.  he has the best qualifications for several things.

Good point.  I figure at this point though the writers have no choice but to take out Gyp.  The season climax should be very interesting.

Good point.  I figure at this point though the writers have no choice but to take out Gyp.  The season climax should be very interesting.

Seems that Gyp's days may be limited, since only the fictional characters are expendable, and something has to give concerning the current stalemate over Tabor Heights.  The historical Masseria had bigger fish to fry as the twenties wore on, and neither the real life Nucky nor our fictional version is ever going to

Seems that Gyp's days may be limited, since only the fictional characters are expendable, and something has to give concerning the current stalemate over Tabor Heights.  The historical Masseria had bigger fish to fry as the twenties wore on, and neither the real life Nucky nor our fictional version is ever going to

Gillian is proof positive  that hell hath no fury like a woman scorn'd.   Two possible  outcomes: either our criminal triumvirate
finds out she tipped off Gyp, and Lucky does her in, or they never
learn and focus their vengeance on Gyp alone, while Gillian survives to
do more harm behind the scenes.  Given that Mol is

Gillian is proof positive  that hell hath no fury like a woman scorn'd.   Two possible  outcomes: either our criminal triumvirate
finds out she tipped off Gyp, and Lucky does her in, or they never
learn and focus their vengeance on Gyp alone, while Gillian survives to
do more harm behind the scenes.  Given that Mol is

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I think Gillian had to kill Roger not only for material reasons but also psychopathological.  Like Medea, she "devours" her offspring.  Truly one scary mother.  The episode exemplified so many of the virtues of the writing that distinguishes this series, above all the willingness to develop subtle aspects of character

I think Gillian had to kill Roger not only for material reasons but also psychopathological.  Like Medea, she "devours" her offspring.  Truly one scary mother.  The episode exemplified so many of the virtues of the writing that distinguishes this series, above all the willingness to develop subtle aspects of character

"loyalty, strange bedfellows, and what Nucky has become” – no honor, or loyalty, among thieves. 
You can hardly blame Nucky; after all, everyone he trusted or relied on has betrayed him in one way or another. Everyone in this world is out for him or herself.  I figure Rowland sealed his own doom when he pulled out the

"loyalty, strange bedfellows, and what Nucky has become” – no honor, or loyalty, among thieves. 
You can hardly blame Nucky; after all, everyone he trusted or relied on has betrayed him in one way or another. Everyone in this world is out for him or herself.  I figure Rowland sealed his own doom when he pulled out the

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