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One last point.  I think I found the source which inspired the writers to conceive of Richard Harrow.  Frederick Busch wrote a novel called The Night Inspector, about a Union sniper who gets shot in the face during the Civil and returns to New York, where he gets involved in some shenanigans.  He wears an eerie mask

One last point.  I think I found the source which inspired the writers to conceive of Richard Harrow.  Frederick Busch wrote a novel called The Night Inspector, about a Union sniper who gets shot in the face during the Civil and returns to New York, where he gets involved in some shenanigans.  He wears an eerie mask

Agreed.  I thought Mol's sometime distant or detached readings were effective given the nature of her character.  You hit it on the button.

Agreed.  I thought Mol's sometime distant or detached readings were effective given the nature of her character.  You hit it on the button.

I noticed that too.  It's buona not bona.  I just praised them on how much attention they pay to details, and with the great writing you would expect them to get this right.  But American TV rarely gets foreign languages right — just ask any Spanish speaker.

I noticed that too.  It's buona not bona.  I just praised them on how much attention they pay to details, and with the great writing you would expect them to get this right.  But American TV rarely gets foreign languages right — just ask any Spanish speaker.

"a bloodied child that we can presume represents poor, dead Jimmy Darmody" — this is what I love about BE, the fact that every detail counts.  It is undoubtedly little Jimmy, and the writers made this clear with the detail of the bloody cheek. That is precisely the spot where Nucky shot Jimmy with the first bullet. 

"a bloodied child that we can presume represents poor, dead Jimmy Darmody" — this is what I love about BE, the fact that every detail counts.  It is undoubtedly little Jimmy, and the writers made this clear with the detail of the bloody cheek. That is precisely the spot where Nucky shot Jimmy with the first bullet.