
With any luck, Hillary will win, swaths of idiots will riot, and the cops will shoot some white people. And balance will be returned to the Force.

Dude, you have to remember to turn that sunbitch sideways.

And many, many other clips where Sid is involved.


CNN is a joke, people, AHH look, they're turning their camera off! Yeah!

You didn't hear that up-front-and-center, though. People treated that as yammering from shitty people, no matter who funded them. It was as ugly, maybe more, but not nearly as prevalent.

Yeah, that's a little bigger deal than the "The Sniper" guy who thought he was a poet writing about shooting Obama.

Are you suggesting that the best and the brightest aren't necessarily in charge of our country, corporations, and money? Meritocratic heresy!!

Now, now. There's a case to be made, and if he's willing to also call Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom, maybe we shouldn't be so quick to condemn him.

Almonds are a very different kind of crunch. I would percieve that product to be hell on gums, people with sensitive teeth, and really probably just randomly stabbing people in bad corners of the mouth.. people that normally are proficient chewers.

Swift Boat Veterans For Truth might have been the ugliest thing in the history of Politics. Until Trump, I mean, obviously.

You can't spell Sandler without s l a n d e r!

I'm not saying he did it the wrong way or anything, but the budget deficit went back up this year. After 7 years of shrinking it. The deficit, mind you, not the debt, which of course continues to skyrocket.

Yeah, Batista may have been a murderous tyrant, but at least he kept it classy.

Sigh.. this Kentuckian will admit that spiced rum is better in egg nog than is bourbon. But Maker's is pretty damn good in egg nog too.

Since wrestling intro music is often ripped off of other songs, I'd like to think that he'd come out to "Today", since it's pretty much a recreation of "Where Is My Mind".

It was such a surprise, yet perfectly appropriate for the unique mood Gerald must've been in.


For the last time, Dad, Beavis And Butthead is not garbage!

It's a good song to use on repeat in Guantanamo Bay, and that's about it I'd say.