
It's borderline Trump-level insane that a team of music writers and producers could come up with such awful garbage. That the Backstreet Boys existed is an affront to Western Civilization and the people who are responsible should be severely punished.

Hillary Raped My Baby

Umm Roman Reigns?

He's definitely funnier than Lawler has been in almost 20 years.

They still can. Or maybe Miz gets in the world title picture next. I think this is the best thing they've done with Ziggler in a long time, and the IC belt continues its return to relevance.

I marked way too hard for Ambrose checking the boots old school style. Dude's a gem.

Yes. Although I'm not currently gay, I WOULD rather watch a show about gay fetish cosplay than Survivor.

Yeah, we're prolly not gonna elect our Silvio Berlusconi. Hell, we could be Afghanistan and our president's brother could run the opium trade. That'd be keen.

I'm just trying to speak to him in his own language, leftie.

In fairness, nobody really wanted McCain. Seems like nobody really wanted the nomination. Giuliani aborted for absolutely no reason. The oligarchy gave us a real firecracker to chew on as VP nom, though.

"Most secularist and socially liberal Democratic platform, perhaps ever."

Also, good for you for having some unique opinions, but I think you're embarrassing Zorak.

Geesh. I hate the [FAR] left almost as much as you, but geesh. You're still flying the "special rights" flag?? Are you also, in addition to being gay, a Southern Baptist preacher? The basic right of a lifelong partner to be at the death bed of a loved one in the hospital. You would deny that to gay people. OR

I keep hearing that tobacco is really bad, and smoking is child abuse, and Bill Clinton did apparently put a cigar in Ms. Lewinsky's hoo-hah. So there's that.

Well, in a sense, I agree. We are all hypocrites at times. I will defend a person's right to also espouse "do as I say, not as I do".

You're right, free will IS liberty! It says so in Two Corinthians, for Christ's sake!

Krispy Kreme?

I think Trevor Noah has done really well. I know I'm in the minority. I also think Klepper, Roy Wood, and Chieng are awesome as correspondents. I wish Jessica Williams would have stayed on.

And also, for years, retards like you have been issuing alarmist statements about entertainment, films, radio, etcetera. So when exactly did morality die? Trump might be as good as any benchmark. And God bless him and God Bless motherfucking America.

Thanks, McCain/Finegold campaign finance reform, for all the anonymous slander ads, Swift Boat Veterans For Truth, and 501C4s masquerading as social welfare!