I think I speak for everyone who has seen Once Upon a Time in Mexico when I say… 'fuck Rodriguez'
I think I speak for everyone who has seen Once Upon a Time in Mexico when I say… 'fuck Rodriguez'
I think it's the perfect combination as is. I finished season 1 for the first time last night and I have to say these write-ups are already enriching the experience. Can't wait til we get to season 2!
Folkloric Feel was OK, but National Anthem of Nowhere was a lot better. This record, on the other hand, is pretty shitty.
I'm gonna be honest with you, Rod. You look like a giant eagle with fire all around you, and you've got a mountain for a face.
As soon as I heard "Little Secrets" I knew this album would be playing on my iPod a lot this summer.
The pussy was the bomb, had a nigga on sprung
A Cock on Lips Now
All I know is that I'm going to be entertained by this movie, but, judging by the review, perhaps not the way I expected. I thought this was gonna be a non-stop bloodbath!
Yeah, watching how depressed Jon gets on that show makes it hilarious (see hair plugs).
I still don't like the Pixies very much. But, hey, I didn't like Guided By Voices until a couple of months ago when Bee Thousand clicked. I'm sure the same will happen with Doolittle et al.
When I'm old and grey I can already tell I'm going to look back on THS as the music of my wasted youth, especially BAGIA and Stay Positive. I hated them at first, but when the former came out I stuck around for the riffs. The lyrics soon got under my skin, and before I knew it I was even enjoying Finn's delivery,…
@ Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris:
No way in fuck are shows like Cheers and Green Acres better than Seinfeld. Ridiculous! I mean, say what you will about that show, but the general tone of these boards lead me to believe Seinfeld's sarcasm would be a better fit than…hokey 60s farm comedy. Fuckin hipsters
Yeah I've gotta go with SW on this one, the merchandising of that film was too much of a game-changer to ignore.
I haven't played Lemmings but I concur
I was just about to give M some props, PFG. It was screened in my introductory film class last year and it blew me away. I love the shot of the "M" guy running through the streets, chased by the homeless people.
Super Fly stole my blaxploitation v-card.
must have been way back when the AV Club hated paragraphs
This firstie left a sour taste in my mouth. If I were the professor I'd give you a C-.