I'm not a doctor so someone feel free to correct me, but I believe the benefit of the tanks is that they deliver pure oxygen. If you're giving him air with a pump you might as well let him breathe on this own.
I'm not a doctor so someone feel free to correct me, but I believe the benefit of the tanks is that they deliver pure oxygen. If you're giving him air with a pump you might as well let him breathe on this own.
I read the first volume of Preacher and like many found the supernatural
element fascinating. But the over the over-the-top violence (which is
meant to be satirical) put me off the series and I am by no means
squeamish. I'm still debating with myself whether or not I'll ever
finish it.
Maybe someone turned him into a tortoise to suppress his actual, villainous power.
I thought it was extremely short-sighted of Amber to encourage Kristina to out her relationship with Bob BEFORE she'd discussed it with Ryan. As much as he's trying to change, it's clear he still has some difficulty handling his emotions, and it would have been extremely unfair if he'd bee blindsided by news of the…
The sound is more or less a /w/ without voicing (aka vocal cord vibration). It was actually a phoneme distinct from /w/ in Middle English and its parent languages, but has since merged with it in many English speaking countries. However, it is still used in some dialects.
I agree wholeheartedly. I can certainly understand other interpretations of Collin's behavior but personally, other than participating in the affair (which he acknowledged was wrong and appeared somewhat ashamed of) Collin hasn't actually been that bad of a guy. He didn't force or even suggest Jenna sneak out; that…
Preach! My problem with Bonnie has always been her characterization. She could have been so much more if Plec and Co. hadn't been content to diminish her to an UNBELIEVABLY self-sacrificing deux ex machina. She is the magical negress with no strong desires or motivations that don't involve helping the white…
I can't speak on your previous encounters with Rowan, but please know, that as far as I can tell, there isn't anything antagonistic about this particular comment. I thought you raised a couple relevant points in a non-confrontational manner, but perhaps I'm reading things differently.
After seeing the intro, I can't help but wonder if this is where inspiration for the Fringe intro comes from.
I think it was the episode when the helicopter in Ty's unit went down that we first learned John has some connection to military higher ups. Why he has those connections we still don't know.
Umm… what about Scott?
There's so much I could say about this episode, so I'll keep it down to a couple of points. I'm really glad Regina was upfront about not wanting to raise Abby with Angelo. It would have been maddening to me if the show ignored this issue for drama.
I was extremely upset about that Wilke tease.
The other alphas made their money in the stock market. They'll let Scott in on the secret when he's old enough (although given their ambiguous aging who know when that will be).
I think it's premature to judge how the show will treat the CI. SaB hasn't shied away from showing the honest repercussions of large personal decisions before, and I don't think it will now. I agree that Emmett and Melody not being able to read Debbie's lips sucked, but in reality, while Cameron's CI certainly affects…
Not that this alone guarantees you'll enjoy it, but I thought the book was completely over-hyped and only decent, but I count this movie as one of the best I saw in 2012.
I'm still not sold on Cora as a character, but since she's the only one who seems to actually mourn Boyd's death, I'm actually hoping she doesn't die. And she better not die before she tells everyone where she was for seven years. It's seriously not that hard. A simple "Hey guys, I know nobody cares but after the fire…
Well, the Motel California episode seemed to imply she can also hear deaths that have already happened. And she talked to Peter Hale while he was dead. So that's something.
I do believe Daniel Sharman has just given up on the accent entirely.
I agree about the writers painting themselves into a corner. No one will be happier than me to see Ty go away for good (I nearly punched the tv when they closed up on Blair Redford's face), but I really don't see the relationship ending in any way that isn't either a repeat of what happened the first time Ty left, or…