
Bitch, please.


No love for "Time Traveler's Wife" because that movie was a waste of atoms.

I just thought of what a Surrealtor would do. I really wish that position existed.

Nothing sexier than hooking up cameras and microphones to monitor your love interest's moves and watching it with your best friend.

Did anyone else think that Sharon's girly look was likeĀ a modern Belle?

Now you went ahead and made me miss Brad. I love that guy.

Thank you for that link, I'm having a lot of fun! And here's my response

That would have been fantastic.

Lily's Dad seems to be the terrible combination of Peter Griffin and Chris Elliott's creepy brother character from Everybody Loves Raymond.

Chris Elliott would look busted as a woman.
Ted would never tap that.

I like Martin Short too, but Dave Foley would be a pretty fantastic boss.

Although I actually like Gillian Jacobs in all her forms, that was good.

My cats: Atilla and Moxie

I know the jock Alexis Mateo made over last season.

Captain Monterey Jack and Doug can't seem to make fame work :(

Sharon's reaction to Shangela was THE BEST

For a second I thought this was the same Sharon Needles from the PR drag challenge.

MO'NIQUE (Star of Phat Girlz and The Parkers) WON AN OSCAR.

While I do love introverted old men, "A World of His Own" does feel a bit Stepford. With the whole, "I'm tired of my independent, fashionable wife. I'll replace her with a younger, placid girl who gladly makes me drinks."