Doctor Handsome

"Larger ideas" is pretty damn generous there.

Stupid babies need the most attention.

You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn.
You just fuck your uncle all day long.

I don't know why everyone assumed that Matt & Trey were actually sick of the South Park schtick just because they've won accolades in other media. Reverting back to essentially the status quo is a classic "fuck you, that's why!" South Park move [SEE: Not Without My Anus].

Why is everyone so stuck on, "He could't have SMOKED the vial!"? Well, no shit. Maybe he found the vial and fucking snorted its contents. He WAS raised by a meth addict, and has probably seen that done many times.

Narrative convenience, silly.

The "third wheel" examples were hilarious, except the Batman one was way off-base. Alfred is a billion times more helpful than Robin. Robin fucking sucks (Boy Wonder, not Scherbatsky).


When Tyrus tried to grab Jesse in the hospital, I pictured Bobby Hill yelling, "THAT'S MY PURSE! I DON'T KNOW YOU!"

Oh. I'm retarded.

Nitpicking the review: That wasn't Jesse's "own .38 snubnose," it was Walt's. Jesse picked it up when Walt checked the window.

Hank doesn't take the threat seriously himself, so he doesn't really think it's odd that Walt doesn't either.

With the imprint from the .38 on his forehead, Walt looked like Dr. Manhattan.

Walter Jr. had a few good lines tonight. I also liked, "Finally somebody's listening to m-" and then Marie cuts him off.

So The Simpsons is now looking to Cracked for ideas?

Mike specifically mentioned that Walt makes a LOT more money than he does, right before he beat Walt's ass.

I feel like Mike being O+ and Jesse being A- is thematically relevant in a way I haven't quite unraveled yet.

4' 9 1/2".

DeVito absolutely sought them out, not the other way around. Isn't he like the executive producer on it now? He loves having an outlet for being as disgusting as possible. That's his bread and butter. He's had a shitload of classic roles, but I hope to Baphomet that Frank Reynolds is the lead of his obituary.

You have the worst blood type imaginable: A minus MINUS!