Doctor Handsome

Right on about the attention to detail. Another example: The guy who picks up the cigarettes is from Straight And Narrow Storage Company. It's only onscreen for half a second in the background, and you can't even see the whole words, but they bothered to come up with a joke name (and a logo: a hand giving the A-OK

I had forgotten that he was originally identified as William "Fat Tony" Williams here (funny gag). Was The Homer They Fall the first time they changed it to Anthony "Fat Tony" DiMico?

I WAS high.
The Cleveland Show still fucking sucked.

Krusty: We can only have one Krusty in each area, so tell me where you're from.
Southerner: Georgia.
Texan: Texas.
Other Texan: Uh, Brooklyn.

Bronson-Voiced Guy takes various forms and holds many jobs, much like Squeaky-Voiced Teen.

I enjoyed West's brief role in BAADASSSSS!

I thought the eye-popping was terrible. But on the plus side, it reminded me of the He-Man bad guy Mantenna.

Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in this town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around

Lalanne has a juicer, but The Juiceman is Jay Kordich.

Lalanne has a juicer, but The Juiceman is Jay Kordich.

Lies make Baby Jesus cry.

That's why Nabin mentioned Can't Hardly Wait: so you can think of the Replacements instead.

Is this movie just Nic Cage as Zapp Rowsdower?

"I love it when …men… do the thing with the …lips…"
- The Times-Observer

NOTE: Scooby died on his way back to his home planet.

My vajayjay is painin'!

More importantly, Lights wouldn't have gone along with it. Morales taking a dive could happen without Lights's knowledge, but he'd surely notice Johnny loading his gloves.

I always loved the, "Hey! I am no longer illiterate!" bit Lone Audience mentioned, made funnier by Quimby watering a pot plant while he says it.

I think drdarkeny is a fucking narcotics agent.

He is just full-on Kim Jong-Il now, huh?