
I'm totally gonna use this information if I'm ever on the lam!

And I have always maintained that the NFL should have their games played in the dark, with just a little edge lighting for drama.

The best is when Cage asks him to stop the dead guy's foot from being all twitchy and distracting and Connery goes, "What do you want me to do, kill him again?" Oh Sean, you're just too good for Bay-World.

The railguns made a cool sound AND ya got goombah wiseguys fucking up the Russians, making organized crime SUPER patriotic.

Yes! That whatever the dog is attempting to dislodge is either there to stay or gone for good - that is some classic shit right there. Shane Black really knocked it out of the park with this movie.

This movie is more quotable than Die Hard and I would agree with Jackson - it's my favorite of his, too. I still use his singing trick to remind myself that I'm locking my front door every morning. His chemistry with Davis in this movie is killer: funny, poignant, badass, and a little bit sexy, with action simpatico

I knew if I set up this joke, some kind soul would pick it up and run with it. Thank you, cigarette!

Herpes was already a thing in 1984, so Stan needs to be careful with Purple Leotard.

Not just a piece of meat off a guy's dead leg, but a piece of biohazard meat while wearing thick unwieldy rubber gloves and using a sharp scalpel. That was so medically "uncontained" as to be insane. One slip of the blade and they have to Hans each other.

Maybe he'll get a stamp!

Nobody wants to see that big red ass.

I would defend Hamilton's narration. I think the flat delivery reflects how mentally fried she is after being the sole repository of knowledge of the apocalypse and being licked in the face by creepy orderlies in a mental institution.

That is a great-looking stunt in TND. Some asshole on the internet ruined it for me though by (correctly) pointing out that laying that heavy bike over on its side and skidding under the helicopter should've ripped all the meat right off their thighs. I don't come online for reality, people!

He's Wolverine.

And she was such an asshole to Eugene to force him to make the fucking bullet in the first place. I'm getting pretty tired of these half-cocked revenge bursts that miss Negan but get bystanders killed. I feel quite sure, though, that Eugene will actually enjoy "Easy Street," so good luck with that, Dwight.

Negan clearly saw Die Hard and figured, hey, here's Ellis, give him a Coke, let him think he's making a deal with me, then (in my version) gut him like a fish.

About that: aren't pool tables hella heavy? (I know, lots of spare guys to use as pack mules but still, hernias all around.)

Gregory's house isn't going anywhere, because that's where Queen Maggie gotta live!

Raimy did a cop blunder similar to Frank's when he was 50 feet away from the Nightingale, who was sitting in an idling vehicle, and hollers - from a fucking distance while holding up his badge - "Get outta the truck!" Yeah, Frank, I'm sure the serial killer will get right on that. Don't be cool until you get right up

That bothered you more than watching him kiss somebody?