
Seconded. I love that mullet-headed cuddly bear with his big vocabulary.

The plastic surgery has begun. Soon he will look like Liberace.

But he said very clearly in this episode that he's "hard." I don't think he's the kind of guy who would take kindly to being soft around women, if you get my meaning. What with that prickly bat and all. Symbolism!

What is his seduction music: Barry White or Rick James?

How chagrined should I be that Negan's line to Olivia ("I'm about fifty-percent more into you now") after she slapped the bejesus out of him made me laugh harder than anything this show has ever done?

Aaron is the nice gay fellow with the perfect radio voice. Spencer is not. There, fixed it for you.

Sometimes, throughout the year, I'll be wandering along in the frozen food aisle and I'll see all the kinds of pie and I'll wonder why we don't generally purchase pie year 'round. Then I remember: oh yeah, Thanksgiving, when we learn the limit of our stomach's capacity for pie consumption the hard way.

I'd kind of rather have him tweeting all the time than to have his stubby fingers pushing any other buttons he now has access to.

It would be worth getting tased to shit if it meant that motherfucker woke up the next day with a buzz cut like the mean drill sergeant guy in Full Metal Jacket. Then his hair would match his rage.

I vote Key West! I agree with you, Angela, they could conceivably just blow town and find another place, or lie low for a while. On the other hand, it would suck to work hard to create this sanctuary and lose good people holding on to it all this time only to abandon it because this leather-wearing, slow-talking,

Comment-username synergy!

I'm not completely history-literate but it seems to me that Negan is simply a throwback to the medieval model of human existence, where serfs farm the land around the king and make tributes to him of their agricultural labor. Hey, back at the prison, Rick wanted to be a farmer, right?

Nope, Meloni will always be Freakshow now.

At least in Z NATION, the search for a cure motivates pretty much everything, lending the action a "road movie" or a "quest" arc throughout. Plus, it's funny as hell sometimes. And they aren't afraid to say "zombies."

I knew Negan's reputation from the comics (people have, naturally, been talking about him for ages before he actually showed up on the series) so, when Rick's team took out those guys on the road and that other damn place I can't remember (where they killed uninfected humans pre-emptively), I was wondering if Negan

Worked for the (man) Ghostbusters.

Dammit, I KNEW if I got busy with life 'n' shit for a couple of days, I'd come back here and there'd be 3000 comments. And sure enough…
So bear with me - if anyone's still visiting this episode. I gotta couple of questions because I don't understand Negans' strategy here.
-He traumatizes, in the most brutal way

Nah, man, he's got the recipe for bullets. He can't take that shit to the grave with him!

Watch the early seasons of Supernatural - she's a delightful Bella. And super British.

And there's always some handy smiting device that involves throwing said device and thereby only getting one (spectacular) use out of it. Thus, 10k can fling the slice-y hub cap thingie, decapitate a Z, then stand there empty-handed, until he pries some other metal death-dealer from the car.