
Rambo rising from the river, ok, but also a bit of Martin Sheen. And what's this business about 10k "rarely" getting to look cool? Fuck that. 10k always looks cool. There should be a 10k action figure. 10k is the haunted teenage sniper of the apocalypse.

I thought maybe he did kill Chris because didn't that kid who plays him just show up as
*spoiler alert*
Ghost Rider's wheelchair-bound little brother in AGENTS OF SHIELD last week?
p.s…I've been away for a while so what the fuck is up with having to sign in to Disqus now to get your "notifications"? I miss those halcyon

And all the xenophobic rednecks who didn't realize the scowly cleavage-y trophy wife standing next to the big fat circus peanut was a FOREIGNER? Well, their tiny heads will just dang near explode.

Well, cradle-robbing pregnant Cordie's wardrobe couldn't have been much worse. That Steve-Nicks-gone-Goth look made my eyes bleed.

Yes! I keep periodically checking IMDb to see if he's working on something awesome and I wonder all the time why Mr. Joss Whedon with all his mainstream Hollywood movie cred now doesn't bring him up the The Show. I know he appeared for a nanosecond in The Avengers, but I still can't even figure out which heavily

I don't think you'll hate yourself in the morning if you go for it.

Yes - offscreen, after a weird ambiguous bit of dialogue that served no purpose other than to give the character one final chance to deliver an authoritative, yet still tremulous, directive that was useless AF. Again.

Bay only marginally redeemed himself for the brotastic leering at Fox's tanned midriff by casting Julie White as Shia's movie mom and then turning her loose. Watching her yell at the feds for fucking up her lawn is my happy place.

I do not concur. On the useless female scale, Sela Ward's Prez is the MOST useless.

Short answer: no.

I went with low expectations because Emmerich always makes my blood boil - and not in a good way - so, on a beautiful sunny day when I just needed a break from all the real-life ugly shit going on in the world right now, I thought, "OK, I'm going to see this movie for two things: the spectacle and Brent Spiner." I

He probably wants to forget too. That was a deeply unfortunate wardrobe.

Totally right - those 3 women were the science & technology experts on the ship and no one questioned it.

Are you kidding??? The Kazon are disqualified from being any kind of credible species or threat forever because they walked around with 5 fuckin' pounds of mud in their hair and looking considerably more terminally constipated than the Klingons ever dreamed of. At least Klingons have pain sticks and drinking songs and

I like all the Trek captains, partial to Janeway 'cause she was "wily and violent" (a description of her that I read somewhere recently, surprisingly), but my problem with Sisko was Brooks' over-enunciation because. Every. Word. Required. Another. Breath. And a Pause. Plus, seriously, he should've just played that

Heh, crossover sci fi TV. I see what you did there.

Aah, Murray. That was a good dog.

Goddamn I hate Disqus - I miss the old AVClub discussion boards where you could actually find shit (yay, pink highlights!). Sorry, had to rant. Yeah, I've been gone from St. Louis for a while but it was that big hotel on the southeast corner of the intersection of I-70 and 270 - can't remember the name of it (possibly

But, wait, am I the only one worried about Fusco's pension?

Although, to be fair, Greer wasn't worth saving. Fuck that guy.