
You and me both.

I saw him at a Trek convention in St. Louis once and a woman raised her
hand and asked him if he had a girlfriend and when he said he did, there
was a collective, female-pitched groan by the audience. Spiner goes,
"I'm SORRY, better I should be alone." It was dry and hilarious.

Pretty cans.

I think you're right on about the "desperation" aspect of Stan. The dude is seriously a sad sack and, at this point, the closest thing he has to a normal "family" is the Jennings. The Cold War is fixing to fizzle out and, when that wall comes down, Stan might take sides in a way he wouldn't have in Season One.

His bewilderment at his FBI-Spidey sense being so very wrong about the Jennings family (esp. after hearing William's deathbed truth-telling) is gonna be devastating. I predict that he will try to save their kids but totally let Philip and Elizabeth fry.

To me, this was Stan mis-judging the relative giddiness a GIRL'S dad might have to their kid's makeout session on the couch, in contrast to a GUY'S dad. And also, sleep deprivation and zeal to see something positive and sweet after the Lassa bleedout he just witnessed

You may be right! I'm thinking of Oleg's story about the near-nuclear miss that was averted by one guy who kept his shit together and that this was the kind of stuff that was going on behind the scenes that we were never told. I'm quite sure we've barely averted annihilation on more than one occasion!

True dat.

Yep, there's always more Down. I hope that, in your play, you got to (a) fake-beat-up another character, or (2) deliver a heartfelt monologue that made the audience weep bitter tears.

I thought, "Well, Matthew's gonna need some alone time in the shower now."

It also reinforces how utterly fat, dumb, and happy the entirety of American civilians were at the time…NO idea how close we came to shitting ourselves.

I think Daniel was that small boy, actually.

I didn't like him either - mainly just for the stupid shit people did because of his addiction, with the whole 'we must get Nick some drugs' in the early days of the crisis. Then, his hair was (and remains) just so inexplicable but, where it used to annoy me, now it amuses me. I think someone is just rubbing the back

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Elizabeth would be the more ruthless and efficient in the spouse-killing game. And she'd bury Philip in Stan's back yard.

I was greatly disturbed that, aside from saving the world-saving AI, the next order of business was not to feed, water, and walk Bear (who's been down in the subway alone for how long?). Finch and Reese should'a been dodging doggie-pies all over the floor by that time.

Yeah, Henry's like Wendy in The Shining, skipping around the Overlook without a care in the world.

Those were veins??? I thought it was smeared mascara.

As the plane got farther and farther away, I was afraid to relax, just in case it exploded in mid-air. Also, was the contagious rat onboard this flight, too?

No, Elizabeth's real face is when she whacks Lisa with a jagged broken bottle or when she sits there and watches a sweet old woman perish from murder-by-poison. Let's hope Paige never sees that face.

I've been meaning to ask: what is the reason for Elizabeth to be undercover with the Mary Kay gig? Is she working Young-Hee for some reason? I think I missed something and I kept hoping it would become clear in context, but I'm still not getting it.