
Elizabeth must feel like she's living with strangers sometimes…her husband joins what seems to her like the Church of Capitalism and her daughter joins the Church of church. At first I thought she went to the EST meeting because she, like Philip, might need it for herself but then I realized she went there to learn

If they had any mercy at all, they'd just let her stay in Cuba: there's fresh fruit and seafood, she wouldn't have to live out her life in a freezing cold shithole, and there's an outside chance she could meet up with her parents for a Haitian vacation without catching the eye of the g-men.

I will admit this - we're all friends here, right? - but I went to the theater to see Miss Congeniality 2 because I wanted to see a goddamn female buddy cop movie with a white chick and a woman of color where no one gets married off at the fuckin' end of the movie. It does deliver on that point, quite nicely. I was in

And Michelle Obama turning Leslie Knope into a slack-jawed, awestruck, motormouth, compliment machine - great!

Isn't Martha a pantyhose gal? How the ever living fuck did Philip get the pony into the barn??? TV makes all the reality of undergarments just magically disappear (and I know she wasn't commando under there).

Yeah, don't tell me the superglue kept that thing in place during all kama-sutra-ing. That woman's a grabber!

Hm. I wonder how many is too many.

There seems to be an acceleration of these scenes with latch-key Henry hanging out with not-swinger Stan and it's giving me the distinct foreshadowing that, despite the pivot point of Paige, it might actually be Henry's relationship with the G-man that this whole house of cards will end tipping on.

I think Negan, just based on the 5-10 minutes where we finally see him and hear him, wouldn't consider beating a woman as good sport. Not to say that he wouldn't kill or hurt a woman - I'm sure he would - but at this moment of 'making an example' of somebody, he wants to convey his power and beating an unarmed woman

Ah, I see what you did there bonerland. Well played, sir.

I was surprised that Darden didn't do a follow-up when Fuhrman said he collected WWII memorabilia. I'm thinking, "Ask him from what country, Chris! WHAT COUNTRY!" I immediately imagined the exact same Nazi shit in that final shot.

"That is one big pile of salad."

I would've ripped open that box and assaulted that fucker with one of those rigid cardboard Tampax applicator tubes.

I am not a mother but I've seen childbirth videos and holy crap, a LOT of really gross stuff comes out along with that baby. For Mary to offer Anna her own bed to flood with blood, afterbirth, assorted fluids, and probably a little bit of poop is extremely generous. The post-birth scene always looks like a Hallmark

And his strenuous attempts at an American accent. I read a review once that something along the lines of, "he is clearly putting all his efforts into masticating words into some semblance of not-Scottish that he has no energy left over to, you know, act." In a movie like "Dear Frankie," where he's just a regular

Gotta say, his supporting role in "Erin Brockovich" made him come off like a warm, genuine human. Shame to hear that he's a bit of a shit.

No, no, I beg to differ on this. Just because both their names are "Bill" and then there's a capital "P" doesn't mean these two men are ANYTHING alike. Maybe straight men can't tell them apart but straight women can. OK, think about it. Picture Bill Paxton: "Game over, man, game over!" or the truly excruciating line,

Dylan "No Upper Lip" McDermott or Dermot "Lip-Scar" Mulroney. I know their hair is distracting but, truly, their lips tell them apart.

Upvoted for "shilly-shallying" - one of those terms that we really should bring back, along with "nattering" and "discombobulated."

Fair enough. Possibly it was the horrendous "mourning" attire of the 1970s that piled on the age, the black lace doily on her head did her no favors.