
Robert deserved to have that look on his face after projectile upchucking all over the dining room and being facially bathed in his own vomit-blood in front of everyone. I lived in England for 5 years and those folks would rather take a vicious beating than ever embarrass themselves in front of others. Public

Yeah, but that's because they were at the aunt's house in London. We've seen their own double bed in the cottage where they live near Downton.

When Rick was telling unconscious Coral about all the life he wanted to "show" him, I was thinking, well hell, he's only gonna see half of it!! My ensuing guffaw was heard by no one. This fucking show.

This. She's been enabling his dreamstate ever since the apocalypse, most emphatically NOT preparing him for survival. Oh sure, kid, you're too scared to come downstairs for your sandwich with the crusts cut off? Why, I'll just trot that right up there for you so you can keep listening to Tiny Tim on your tiny record

I saw Jaws when I was 15 and, even then, I thought his mom looked more of an age to be his grandmother (plus, the man holding her arm was definitely grandpa age). As I got older, I thought, well, maybe that was just 15-year old me thinking anybody over 25 looked ancient. But every time I've watched it since (and, yes,

I never thought I'd say this but the Muppets suck. I knew when my DVR played 5 solid minutes of those conniving hairy hand puppets I was gonna lose the ending of Agent Carter. Last thing I saw was Frost's hubby on the phone to…..

I beg to differ on CBV always playing assholes. The first time I ever saw him was in The Hunt for Red October. He plays Jones - a sub sonar man and, for some reason, his dialogue about "Russian captains like to turn suddenly to see if anyone's behind them, we call it Cah-razy Ivan," has stuck with me for YEARS. He

I think Travolta's psyche snapped sometime during Battlefield Earth and he's been giving some version of that same performance ever since. But, yeah, the Brando parallel is spot on.

Nope, her one-room apartment (that she shared with the unfortunate roommate) was neat as a pin. The mayo scene is a rejection of that notion that women can't scarf down food in public (unless they're large-breasted women stuffing a Carl's Jr quadruple-bypass burger into their mouth like the oral male fantasy that it

It seemed like he was going down the whistle-blower route (cue the smutty BJ jokes, you philistines) because he had all those photos of mutated children pinned up - and done in a way that wasn't so much clinical-medical (like it would be at work) but more conspiracy-theorist, like he was gathering evidence. Perhaps

I wish it was meant to be droll but, at least in the way she said the line, it just sounded (no pun intended) straight. I'm gonna go with ApesMa and say that it was simply tone-deaf writing.

Damn Canadians.

To be fair, that pretty much WAS the first five minutes of 2001. The scene cut before that kid lost his shit, the popcorn ran out, and the movie had to be paused 15 times for every possible break William could conceive to get away from the Kubrick.

I know I'm way late in this conversation but I've just re-watched this movie and have questions and no one I know (in person) was more than a casual viewer…OK, in this thread I'll ask: I get that the water on Miller's planet is shallow but how can such shallow water create such huge waves? Where's the "build-up"

Nope, even more disturbing, her exact phrase was "lifestyle preference." I was AMAZED that, in 2016, this show was calling gayness a choice. What UP?

So is this going to become the new "Welcome to Erf?"

And haven't we all wished someone would drop a big metal able on Chad's neck?

As was Jack Johnson.

True - it's not like he walks in there wearing his lab coat. From the outside, him going into that building might reasonably just look like a janitor going to work, as the a-hole diner proprietor pointed out.

Well, in fairness, the place they met to have drinks (and dance, smooth!) was predominantly African-American in terms of clientele. Todd Haynes depicted something very similar in FAR FROM HEAVEN when Julianne Moore and Dennis Haysbert went into a black establishment and had a dance together. So two dissimilar genres