
I gotta go with, "Not great, Bob!"

I'm an optimist. Ommmmm.

Possibly, maybe she was on a study break.

Aw, that's a beautiful idea!

Yes, this. There was something that Stan said that was a good indicator. He said to Peggy, "I'm just happy being good at my job." Stan's not about existential dilemmas, just about keeping a simple relationship with his profession.

I agree with you that M-E is horribly sexist, beyond that, actually, tipping into full-on misogyny in a way that SCDP never did. And I also acknowledge that she was mistaken for a secretary at first …on paper. Her actual, physical entry into the firm was staged and shot as to be so badass that her appearance and

He probably figured that odds were against two people in the same family dying in a plane crash.

What's interesting is that Don is the one man on the show whose hairstyle (and facial hair) never changed in the transition from the 1950s to the 1960s-70s. Sitting on the golden California ocean vista with the EST hippies, he's wearing a crisp white button-down shirt and a pair of chinos. If he added a tie, jacket,

While waiting for AVC to post in the wee hours of this morning, I did go and read some of the early reviews of the episode and the universal consensus was that Don created the Coke ad. But my immediate thought was that Peggy did. During her performance review (the last time she saw Don person to person), she expressed

I so wish, though, that our last view of Betty could've been from last week's episode. She was smiling, dressed in a lovely understated outfit, following her own dream - and ascending. Instead, our last view of her is sitting at the kitchen table in that silent mausoleum of a house, her husband and sons nowhere in

Yeah, I think Peggy and Stan would balance each other out. He is such a warm person and she's taken on a chilliness that I guess she needed in the past but, perhaps, could relinquish now. Although, I have to say, the way she comforted Pete was the most guard-down, genuine kindness I've seen from her in ages.

I see your point. Maybe with all their espionage duties, even being "aware" of Henry's activities isn't enough for Philip (and, to a lesser degree, Elizabeth) to actively explore it or think beyond the "performance" of friendship that the Jennings are acting out with Stan and now Sandra. I think what's going to be

I agree with you, men SHOULDN'T be that weak and foolish, but sometimes they are, sometimes everyone is that weak and foolish.

That would be awesome! I truly love to watch Philip and Elizabeth look at their offspring like they're alien beings. I wonder if they just assumed their own Russian-ness would naturally rub off on their kids, that perhaps they (and their handlers) can't conceive that their kids are, instead, genuinely American (cue

You may be right about Henry. His latch-key status and the resulting (and repeated) bonding with Stan seems to be flying completely under the normally sensitive radar of his parents. There's a risk now of him being so emotionally disassociated from Philip and Elizabeth and from his sister that he's going to be the

Oleg was, like Stan, running his own secret, unsanctioned op. Arkady would NOT be pleased that he was conspiring with an FBI agent and I don't think anyone from Moscow would come in and say, "Sure, just keep doing what you're doing!" like the higher-ups at the FBI did with Stan. Oleg was risking a lot for Nina. These

Ah, you've put your finger on what has always nagged me about Pastor Tim: the hair. He had to have gotten that wig from the same Muscovite House of Hair that keeps Phil & Lizzie supplied.

In fairness, Stan and Oleg shared in the pussy-induced stupidity.

That makes sense - the co-pilot on Air France had shockingly few hours of flight time - which news reports point out, pointedly.

You know, there is always going to be a part of me that just doesn't trust these fuckers. Why? Because of these 6 little words that they say before every flight: "In case of a WATER LANDING…". You don't "land" on water (Sully Sullenberger aside), you crash into it. Then you sink. There will be no strapping your seat