
Every time I fly now, I wonder about the pilots being too skilled at switching on the autopilot and under-skilled at being able to manually correct an unexpected but simple problem, a la Air France 447. Trained pilots misinterpreted the situation, took off the autopilot, and proceeded to fly a perfectly good airplane

Paige, like a young person, believes that you can actually swear an adult to secrecy. Tim is associated with "faith" and all that jazz - not the seal of the confessional or anything but, to Paige, the spiritual weight of Truth can be trusted to a man of the cloth. I foresee some sleepless nights at Pastor Tim's house.

I have often wondered if she'd snap one day, run across the street, and tell Stan. I think I'd pay cash money to see the look on his face.

The Jennings do not understand their daughter. There is so much about her that is simply beyond their frame of reference, even after all the years they've been "the Americans." Elizabeth thoroughly misjudges what to say at the airport when Paige melts down because she can't be a liar. To respond to that with,

The spinoff sounds cool - no doubt - because I'm always happy for a female protagonist in an ass-kicking series, but I'm afraid the network will balk at "Marvel Overload" and, as a result, decide NOT to give Agent Carter a second season. (Female action leads are like African-American dudes on The Walking Dead…there's

He was legitimately awesome as Will Smith's sidekick in "Hitch," though.

Agreed on the presence of some solid episodes in KoQ. I still occasionally remember one where he had to attend a classical concert (of course, being a blue collar guy, he deeply resented being forced to go high culture for a night)…anyway, he was hit with an attack of the Bad Belches (and, really, haven't we all been

I'll give you The Notebook - the actors kinda pulled that one out of the sugar swamp, although I was bothered by the notion that blonde Ryan Gosling could ever age into the black-haired James Garner.

This. This is the top of the 100 reasons I hate this fucking guy. Cheap, hackneyed, sub-Love Story, money-grubbing death porn.
Oh, and this girl mewling (in the trailer), "I've never felt like this about ANYBODY before." Of course you haven't, you've been on the planet for 5 minutes, ya dipshit.

The Karla thing bothered me in the same way I'm bothered when I see women with super-long, talon-y, curving-back-on-themselves fingernails. What the everloving fuck do these ladies do with a Number Two? Can Kyle Mac invent her some kind of high-power wash-dry bidet? What a stupid idea those mini-knives are. What if

He was also probably tired of running his ass off through the hot muggy swamp that is Georgia in the summertime.

And did that architect really need Noah to tell him that the walls, fortified with braces on the fucking OUTSIDE, could be pushed in?

I was thinking that Deanna, as a Northern liberal, is bound to take all the Satan talk as a sign of backwoods Southern Gothic evangelical loony-tunes. I mean, hell, I would. As soon as wild-eyed ravings start including Old Testament religious imagery, I'm out. Deanna has already said that she prides herself on her

True. It ain't over till the fat lady sings.

The WWII context is key. Peggy is the secret agent equivalent of Rosie the Riveter. OK, war's over, let the men have their jobs back and you go get married and have kids now. Suburbs are right over there. Buh-bye.

They did call it a "season finale" last night when they showed the preview for next week. I was very excited to hear those words. Now, we'll see if they turn out to be true.

Interestingly, the network is playing up the "female action" angle pretty hardcore, running side-by-side promos in which Carter is shown fighting and shooting like a boss then the voice-over tells us that the women of SHIELD will be back soon to join in the lady awesomeness, as they show scenes of Agents May and Morse

Could be. Perhaps "seeing" others clearly is simply not anyone's strong suit in that family. I would exempt Isobel, who I've always found quite insightful and perceptive. You're right, though, to make a connection between Mary and Violet - many have commented on here that Mary seems to be in line to inherit the

Oh, I'm quite sure Larry inherits regardless - you're right about that entail business (I watch my Jane Austen movies, so I know). It was just wishful thinking on my part. I got caught up in the idea of RE-V-V-E-N-G-E!

I wonder if some of it is simply a young person forgetting that an old person was ever young. Doesn't every generation think they invented love, sex, romance, etc.? She probably thinks that Violet was never impetuous or love-struck - but I like that we've learned otherwise!