Drunk Ass Dad

MrTusks FTW

WTF happened to Lando Calrissian? Enquiring minds want to know.

Wait a minute . . . . so Ming the Merciless exists in the Star Wars timeline? I'm SO hoping for a Flash Gordon cameo . . . .

Exactly! And then make them the scapegoat for the whole thing (Mee sa tink dis Senator Palpatine make ekkk-sa-lent Chancelor!)

This is not the trivia I was looking for . . . . I mean, seriously, "jizz" music . . . . what about the children, George? THE CHILDREN!!!

Seriously, is no one joining me at the all night diner in North Vegas from Fear and Loathing? I hear Back Door Beauty is working tonight . . . .

The chicken salad sandwich scene was most definitely NOT filmed at Westholme's finest dining establishment (easy to be the finest when you're the only). The highway was only twinned in the mid 70s.

I had friends (riot grrl group from the North Northwest) who toured with Blink before they broke (and were still Blink, without the number). They took bets on when they'd walk in on one of them "taking off their pants and jack(ing) it" . . . . so to speak