Padma is…
…smashable fo' sho'!
Padma is…
…smashable fo' sho'!
Patton Oswalt shout-out for the week: Check.
Now how about filling us in onwhat that brown, trapped-in-the-closet, homo, Aziz Ansari is doing?
Night and Racism
If you don't like Night and his films, that's fine. But if you're one of those people who call him "Shamalamadingdong", you're probably a little racist.
What's the pun in the title in reference to?
Is Tom Cruises character named, like, McGillicutty Day, and Diaz's, Sharon Knight or something?
Call their bluff, PJ!
Step into that meeting room and say "Bring it on, mofo's! Have Ratner report to set on Monday, let's shoot a mufuggin picture!"