
No love for David Foster Wallace? Not a week goes by that I don't feel a pang of sadness that we'll never get another book from him - although I understand they're publishing an "unfinished" work of some sort.

In what way would subtlety have improved the movie?
Just a question: why the hate for stating things plainly. The review of this movie seems to suggest that the lack of subtlety is equivalent to a lack of "depth or psychological complexity." Would it not be possible to state a deep and psychologically complex idea

Macgyver, MacGruber, advertising, etc.
1st) MacGyver was awesome and ironic remake movies are, by definition, a single joke drawn out 84 minutes past their prime.

W/r/t cringe inducing humor
I read that primatologists believe that the human smile/laugh is rooted in the same instinct that prompts chimps and bonobos to show their teeth in tense interpersonal situations. In chimps and bonobos the teeth baring acts as a tension reliever for all the apes involved in a potential