
It comes out in print also now.

I'm from Feinberg, Feinberg, Feinberg, and Feinberg. This is a cease and desist.

Sorry, bad syntax. The class was not about teleportation; we were just discussing Parfit.

I remember discussing that very issue in a philosophy class in college about teleportation. I think it was meant to illuminate a specific problem of identity.

Plus, the BTAS already gave us the answer in "Perchance to Dream," even if the dream had cracks in it.

I kind of feel like he's the Devil. Didn't he tell Roger that small gestures meant a lot at his father's funeral, then suggest his dad's nurse to Pete? Or was that just because his dad recently died?

Noticing so many good lines in this one, re-watching it now… (spoilers…)

I thought Dick-as-Robin was one of the sharper re-designs. Too bad it's only for half an episode.

I'd watch a show of Karl having a cup of tea and watching TV silently. Though, I don't think you'd really need to prod him, given how much he likes to complain.

Goat scene is the G.O.A.T. scene.

Does it look like Jessa's dad is running Wayne Enterprises?

I meant him actually dying when the police chopper shot him up.

Also, this episode's ending is rewarding in the same way as the ending to Scott Snyder's Detective run, as Commissioner Gordon gets revealed as a lot of smarter than he lets on.

I wish this had been a two- or even three-parter, a la the classic Justice League episodes. (Granted that would have made the dream-reveal more hokey).

Actually, I think he covered his up with both hands so only Daniel Stern could see it. Foreshadowing!

I think jazzhate is a parody of VICE.

IIRC, he asks for it to be cut off by some C-rate villain in Arkham in Detective 1.

I have all the Bat books, but never picked up any of the Justice League stuff. If you have BA 12, you could probably sell it to buy the rest.

I have all the Bat books, but never picked up any of the Justice League stuff. If you have BA 12, you could probably sell it to buy the rest.

I thought the animation was a little too clean, but the music was excellent. Overall pretty good. I'd like to see adaptations of DK2 and Kingdom Come in the style of the Timmverse with the old JLA voice acting team.