
Personally, I think Skyler, Walt Jr., and maybe even Hank are toast. I think Marie adopts Holly. I'm unsure about Jessie. Mike is dead. Walter goes to jail, he does not die before the end of the series. The car wash is seized by the IRS. Saul survives (the guy's a cockroach, those things don't die!).

This. I've been thinking about, how last season, there were a couple of instances where Gus was in danger of being killed (once by Don Elario in the flashback scene where Gus' partner was murdered, and once by sniper guy where Gus plays terminator and dares sniper guy to tag him), but he escaped being killed because

This. I've been thinking about, how last season, there were a couple of instances where Gus was in danger of being killed (once by Don Elario in the flashback scene where Gus' partner was murdered, and once by sniper guy where Gus plays terminator and dares sniper guy to tag him), but he escaped being killed because

So I guess Landry isn't a undercover cop….or maybe just the worst undercover cop ever?

So I guess Landry isn't a undercover cop….or maybe just the worst undercover cop ever?

You fix her cable?

You fix her cable?

I don't know, there's really nothing beyond some pieces of bacon to prove that the cold open of the first episode is truly his 52nd birthday. Maybe 52 has some other significance that will become clear. And Walt was using a fake ID, so it stands to reason that the birthdate on it would not be the same as his actual

I don't know, there's really nothing beyond some pieces of bacon to prove that the cold open of the first episode is truly his 52nd birthday. Maybe 52 has some other significance that will become clear. And Walt was using a fake ID, so it stands to reason that the birthdate on it would not be the same as his actual

Heard about the A minus…

Heard about the A minus…

Is there gas in the Aztek? Yes there's gas in the Aztek!

Is there gas in the Aztek? Yes there's gas in the Aztek!

Happy Unification Day Everyone!

E51, that little bit of Scorsese nuance in LTOC was just fantastic. I read a review (perhaps you have read the same one) which mentioned that exact detail, Pilate as proper and British was the "Galactic Empire" vs the everyday common man accent of Jesus, Judas, basically "The Rebellion". People give Marty shit about

E51, that little bit of Scorsese nuance in LTOC was just fantastic. I read a review (perhaps you have read the same one) which mentioned that exact detail, Pilate as proper and British was the "Galactic Empire" vs the everyday common man accent of Jesus, Judas, basically "The Rebellion". People give Marty shit about

Now that is interesting, Overthinker. It solves the issues raised in this thread: no long-distance beaming, Eris not being deferent to Odo as a good Vorta would have been, her "telekinesis" could have been nothing more than a fancier version of Odo's whip arm. It is in character for the Founders / Dominion

Now that is interesting, Overthinker. It solves the issues raised in this thread: no long-distance beaming, Eris not being deferent to Odo as a good Vorta would have been, her "telekinesis" could have been nothing more than a fancier version of Odo's whip arm. It is in character for the Founders / Dominion

I know it's too late now, but I was really hoping that, at the last minute, Zack would call off his DS9 hiatus and resume the reviews next week. These reviews in particular (and TNG before it) have been fantastic and the comments are fun to read and it's a great community to interact with.

I know it's too late now, but I was really hoping that, at the last minute, Zack would call off his DS9 hiatus and resume the reviews next week. These reviews in particular (and TNG before it) have been fantastic and the comments are fun to read and it's a great community to interact with.