
I enjoyed this episode a lot but I feel like there is an actress who does not get the credit she deserves. Jenna Ortega, as young Jane is straight up hilarious. The tiny flashbacks she gets are always delivered so well.

This was pretty amazing but is it wrong to want Grease Live! to work out (mostly because I love Aaron Tveit).

I feel like this just shows the impossible girl plot was really cool in theory but not a good idea to try to actually implement, though I do think your revision would be a bit better (even if then it would raise even more questions about how the Doctor didn't recognize Clara).

I think what confused me is that some of the splinters were regeneration ("death") moments which feels like she failed. Honestly though yeah it really makes no sense.

By the time she stops being a companion she does have a home but she did spend an entire year trying to track down the Doctor. Moreover she doesn't really seem to have planned to ever go back home long term, like she would probably visit her family but she really didn't have any occupational or romantic life back at

hey it totally made sense that she split into tons of herself to try and save the Doctor and miserably fail almost every time seemingly defeating the purpose of the GI needing to go in and ruin the Doctor's history, yet the act of her failing apparently offset the evil and saved him and then he ran into himself but

For me, Martha's exit was less about non reciprocated puppy love and much more about Martha having a life to go back to. Yeah being with the Doctor was amazing but she just spent an entire year roaming, and she finally got her home back. Not only that but the reasons she went on the Tardis in the first place were

Does that mean I'm a classy dame because I feel kind of fancy now.

So I think what I would have liked is something like Ahsoka's story from Clone Wars. An interesting padawan rising through the ranks only to have it all taken from her when she is framed for a murder, and see the Jedi Council turn their back on her. Had they just introduced Anakin as a kid in the background movie 1

I think what rubbed me the wrong way about this episode was the inclusion of Demi Lovato. I get that "Reality" was essentially saying you can't put yourself out there and expect to not have to deal with assholes, but the people often affected most by fat-shaming celebrities who aren't fat, are not the celebrities

AoS has gotten a lot better, but I do agree Flash is way above it and Arrow, even though it was weaker last season is still great. I'm mostly glad none of them are Gotham, which may be better this season but god is it still mostly awful.

Oh man I saw that a few years ago I didn't realize that was her, I'm so excited now.

I read the comic first as well, though I think I'm glad the tv show just took the premise because all the extra supernatural stuff in the comics wouldn't have translated well, I think. While I might "miss" something from the comics the show also has done some truly great things especially with Major, who as far as I

I think the CW just gives all its best shows terrible names: Jane the Virgin, iZombie (I know it's the name of the comic the premise comes from) and now Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. At this point it must be on purpose.

The reason I saw that as not satire is because Murphy and co. definitely fall far more on the empowering side in their other shows. Usually satire would be calling the characters into question but this scene didn't really for me. It didn't seem like satire also because it isn't like the guy said something innocuous.

I think what bothered me about this one is that there wasn't even a beat to be played for laughs. Most of the time at least I have time to cringe but this time they just kept on rolling. I will admit however, I did let myself ignore more than I should have when I enjoyed the show in previous episodes.

I dislike the implication that this has South Park style humor. Maybe it aspires to be that way but instead it just ends up incredibly disjointed and offensive. I mean trying to pass off a pro girl moment with the same character that used autism as an insult minutes beforehand is the kind of shit SP would call out on

I think this episode just hit so many sour notes for me which sucks because it was also an episode that featured one of the more enjoyable characters, Zayday, well. The thing that threw me the most off was actually listening to Chanel this week. In prior weeks I had been able to mostly ignore her cruelty because the

So I thought the list was hilarious until I realized I'm a J.Lo Puerto Rican, not even sure but the second I heard the divide I was like welp pretty sure I am not a Rosie Perez Puerto Rican.

Holy crap I didn't know anyone actually knew the show existed, I don't even remember why I watched but it was fun.