How I Met Ur HorseFaced Mother

A six is pretty generous.

Fine, whatever. I want Ted to have a smoking hot wife. No one else cares. Let's strap on a feedbag and call it a day.

If it helps, I've taken to calling Barney a fucking horseface too because he's screwing up Ted/Robin.

Look, I am aware that in real life, looks are merely one piece of the total package. But this is TV, the showrunners surely had their pick of hundreds of beautiful, talented actresses. So I think it's weird (and therefore I suspect it was purposeful) that they chose someone obviously less attractive than

I am not a troll. I am something far more hated and reviled around these parts.

She is not some hideous monster. She's cute. I like horse faces, I have one myself. However, if you want me to believe that this is the girl who finally makes Ted forget about gorgeous Robin (in my horsepinion, one of the top 5 most beautiful actresses working today), you think they'd pick someone who makes that


The Mother continues to disappoint. Man that is some terrible dialog (both writing and delivery).

I don't care for her.

Not enough.

Too much Mother.