Tek Jansen

Jeph Loeb should never be given creative freedom. It leads to things like the Ultimates and Commando.

According to Stan Lee, the idea was to include team members from countries where Marvel comics weren't selling as well. So, the diversity was an attempt to attract new readers.

Okay… First of all, Parker Lewis was awesome. Secondly, if I wanted to see people complain about the concept of white guys in general I'd head over to io9.

That's a pretty good description of The War at Home. Literally the only thing keeping it from being a poor man's Grounded for Life was the Titus-style bits where characters talked directly to the camera about what they were thinking. They even did a complete rip off of that Grounded episode where Lily got drunk with

So… Why not just say that?

I wish. I'd rather talk about U2 than Taylor Swift and Carly Rae Jepsen.

Katy Perry better than The Cars? You're grounded, young man. Go to your room.

There was one like that with Alec Baldwin.

I know the feeling. I used to love getting together with my family on Christmas Eve. Now, I find myself wanting to murder my cousin's hellspawn children, his shrewish wife and my mother. Plus a couple of people I have to be nice to at church but who I wouldn't pee on if they were on fire.

24 Hour Party People is awesome. It gets more awesome if you watch it with the commentary track by the real Tony Wilson where he complains about practically everything he feels is inaccurate and helpfully explains what really happened in various scenes based on his life.

I'd be happy if Capaldi sticks around for more than three seasons.

Fellow English major here. I probably did learn more from the stuff I read in my spare time than all those literary survey courses and required crap such as Geography 101.

Word. He has some fun ideas, but the execution is terrible. And how impressed are we really supposed to be that he came up with Daleks in more colors?

Replying to my own post, the RTD years make me wonder if some of the old stories are now out of continuity.

I like the cut of your jib. I resisted getting into the current Doctor Who for years because I really, really hated Eccleston for reasons I can't really explain and my sporadic attempts to watch Tennant episodes basically left me thinking, "Tennant is cool, but I don't really like this."

i vaguely remember something from "The Forest of Death" that would explain the guy opening his head. River gives this speech about "her doctor" that includes a line about a guy opening his head with a zipper. So, this time they did something gross to make sure they included as much as possible from River's

I just happened to watch Forest of the Dead earlier in the day, otherwise I would have been a little confused too. I've been binge watching Smith and Tennant episodes, so I knew a fair amount about River. But still… it's not like I would have remembered that speech about the restaurant and everything if I hadn't

Eleven regularly broke River out of jail to go on dates, so he was definitely interested in her in his whimsical world's coolest grandpa way.

Yeah, it's about as ridiculous as the way Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah kept saying it should be illegal to say anything that offends Muslims after that "Innocence of Muslims" video came out in 2012. The dude demanded apologies and punishments that were completely out of line considering the perps were

There are people in real life who are part Native American who have blond hair and pale skin.